outer joins

  • I have a query where I am trying to do multiple joins to the same table. If one of the rows in the ordercomponentvalues table doesn't exist, no info is returned(not all orders have a 3rd party discount). I thought my left outer joins would take care of this. Any help would be appreciated.

    SELECT billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid,

    sum(ocv1.amount) retail, sum(ocv2.amount) cost,

    sum(ocv3.amount * -1) exp_reim, sum(ocv4.amount * -1) tp_disc,

    sum(ocv5.amount * -1) ins_wo, isnull(sum(ocv6.amount * -1),0) pat_wo


    OrderProducts ON Orders.OrderID = OrderProducts.OrderID INNER JOIN

    OrderComponents ON OrderProducts.ProductID = OrderComponents.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv1 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv1.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv2 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv2.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv3 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv3.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv4 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv4.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv5 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv5.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv6 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv6.ComponentID INNER JOIN

    OrderPlans ON Orders.OrderID = OrderPlans.OrderID INNER JOIN

    Billings ON OrderPlans.BillingID = Billings.BillingID INNER JOIN

    BillingPlans ON Billings.PlanID = BillingPlans.PlanID INNER JOIN

    BillingCarriers ON BillingPlans.CarrierID = BillingCarriers.CarrierID

    WHERE ocv1.valuetypeid = 1 -- retail

    AND ocv2.ValueTypeID = 13 -- cost

    AND ocv3.ValueTypeID = 3 -- expected ins payment

    AND ocv4.ValueTypeID = 4 -- 3rd party discount

    AND ocv5.ValueTypeID = 10 -- ins writeoff

    AND ocv6.ValueTypeID = 15 -- patient writeoff

    AND Billings.statuscodeid = 4

    AND OrderProducts.producttypeid in (6, 7) --frames and frame parts

    AND orders.orderid = 10050910

    GROUP BY billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid

  • SELECT billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid,

    sum(ocv1.amount) retail, sum(ocv1.amount) cost,

    sum(ocv1.amount * -1) exp_reim, sum(ocv1.amount * -1) tp_disc,

    sum(ocv1.amount * -1) ins_wo, isnull(sum(ocv1.amount * -1),0) pat_wo


    OrderProducts ON Orders.OrderID = OrderProducts.OrderID


    OrderComponents ON OrderProducts.ProductID = OrderComponents.ProductID


    OrderComponentValues ocv1 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv1.ComponentID


    OrderPlans ON Orders.OrderID = OrderPlans.OrderID INNER JOIN

    Billings ON OrderPlans.BillingID = Billings.BillingID INNER JOIN

    BillingPlans ON Billings.PlanID = BillingPlans.PlanID INNER JOIN

    BillingCarriers ON BillingPlans.CarrierID = BillingCarriers.CarrierID

    WHERE ocv1.valuetypeid in (1,13,3,4,10,15)

    AND Billings.statuscodeid = 4

    AND OrderProducts.producttypeid in (6, 7) --frames and frame parts

    AND orders.orderid = 10050910

    GROUP BY billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid

  • Bryan Mischler (6/25/2008)

    I have a query where I am trying to do multiple joins to the same table. If one of the rows in the ordercomponentvalues table doesn't exist, no info is returned(not all orders have a 3rd party discount). I thought my left outer joins would take care of this. Any help would be appreciated.

    SELECT billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid,

    sum(ocv1.amount) retail, sum(ocv2.amount) cost,

    sum(ocv3.amount * -1) exp_reim, sum(ocv4.amount * -1) tp_disc,

    sum(ocv5.amount * -1) ins_wo, isnull(sum(ocv6.amount * -1),0) pat_wo


    OrderProducts ON Orders.OrderID = OrderProducts.OrderID INNER JOIN

    OrderComponents ON OrderProducts.ProductID = OrderComponents.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv1 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv1.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv2 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv2.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv3 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv3.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv4 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv4.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv5 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv5.ComponentID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OrderComponentValues ocv6 ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv6.ComponentID INNER JOIN

    OrderPlans ON Orders.OrderID = OrderPlans.OrderID INNER JOIN

    Billings ON OrderPlans.BillingID = Billings.BillingID INNER JOIN

    BillingPlans ON Billings.PlanID = BillingPlans.PlanID INNER JOIN

    BillingCarriers ON BillingPlans.CarrierID = BillingCarriers.CarrierID

    WHERE ocv1.valuetypeid = 1 -- retail

    AND ocv2.ValueTypeID = 13 -- cost

    AND ocv3.ValueTypeID = 3 -- expected ins payment

    AND ocv4.ValueTypeID = 4 -- 3rd party discount

    AND ocv5.ValueTypeID = 10 -- ins writeoff

    AND ocv6.ValueTypeID = 15 -- patient writeoff

    AND Billings.statuscodeid = 4

    AND OrderProducts.producttypeid in (6, 7) --frames and frame parts

    AND orders.orderid = 10050910

    GROUP BY billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid, orders.orderdate, orders.patientid

    By including the ocv#.valuetypeid = # check in the where clause - you are not getting an OUTER JOIN. Basically, when a row doesn't match in ocv6 the value for ocv6.ValueTypeID is NULL. Since NULL is not equal to anything - the row is excluded.

    Move each one of those checks into the ON clause of the join and it should work.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • The Where clause is essentially changing them back from Outer to Inner, because if ocv3.valuetypeid = 13 does not exist, the Where clause will eliminate the whole row.

    Try this, see if it fixes what you're looking for:

    SELECT billingcarriers.description,




    sum(ocv1.amount) retail,

    sum(ocv2.amount) cost,

    sum(ocv3.amount * -1) exp_reim,

    sum(ocv4.amount * -1) tp_disc,

    sum(ocv5.amount * -1) ins_wo,

    isnull(sum(ocv6.amount * -1),0) pat_wo

    FROM Orders

    INNER JOIN OrderPlans

    ON Orders.OrderID = OrderPlans.OrderID

    INNER JOIN Billings

    ON OrderPlans.BillingID = Billings.BillingID

    INNER JOIN BillingPlans

    ON Billings.PlanID = BillingPlans.PlanID

    INNER JOIN BillingCarriers

    ON BillingPlans.CarrierID = BillingCarriers.CarrierID

    INNER JOIN OrderProducts

    ON Orders.OrderID = OrderProducts.OrderID

    INNER JOIN OrderComponents

    ON OrderProducts.ProductID = OrderComponents.ProductID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv1

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv1.ComponentID

    AND ocv1.valuetypeid = 1 -- retail

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv2

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv2.ComponentID

    AND ocv2.ValueTypeID = 13 -- cost

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv3

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv3.ComponentID

    AND ocv3.ValueTypeID = 3 -- expected ins payment

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv4

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv4.ComponentID

    AND ocv4.ValueTypeID = 4 -- 3rd party discount

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv5

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv5.ComponentID

    AND ocv5.ValueTypeID = 10 -- ins writeoff

    LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderComponentValues ocv6

    ON OrderComponents.ComponentID = ocv6.ComponentID

    AND ocv6.ValueTypeID = 15 -- patient writeoff

    WHERE Billings.statuscodeid = 4

    AND OrderProducts.producttypeid in (6, 7) --frames and frame parts

    AND orders.orderid = 10050910

    GROUP BY billingcarriers.description, orders.orderid,

    orders.orderdate, orders.patientid

    Edit: I laid out the query in a fashion I find much more readable. If you need to change the layout back, go ahead. If, on the other hand, you are ending up with the layout you had because you're using the GUI query builder, be warned that queries like this one can be broken by the editor without you knowing it. I recommend against using it.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Thanks Jeff and GSquared! It works great now.

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