Output parameter returning NULL. Randomly.

  • It's always silly once we find it... the job really is FINDING IT.

    One last thing that might have saved you some time : There's a stored proc debugger that can be launched from query analyser. It's very basic, but you can set the parameters and run through every line like you would in the VB debugger. But that would have saved you the trouble of posting this question .

  • Thanks Remi - hadn't seen that before, and I'll certainly use it future.

    Mind you, if I hadn't posted the question, I might not have found out about the case-sensitive cache issue... LOL

  • That's true... experience does come at a cost.

    I'd like to come in a interview and answer that question : How much experience do you have with Sql Server

    A : (while trying to keep a straight face) Tons.. I've made so many mistakes that I can't even count 'em and see the face of the interviewer.

  • I got asked once "what is the worst mistake you have made". I proceeded to tell them about how, when trying to change permissions on a folder on the data warehouse server's system drive (NT4), remotely from my workstation just via Explorer (W2K Pro), I removed all permissions from every part of the drive for any user including admin & system... the server blue-screened, rebooted and wouldn't boot without blue-screening.

    This at the precise time the server was needed to send data to payroll (before the deadline) for payment of bonus to 800 call centre staff, at 10 o'clock at night with no tech support for a rebuild available until the next morning...

    I got the job.

  • How did it get fixed?

    And how the hell did you do that?????????????

  • I was running explorer locally on my workstation, and changing permissions in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SomethingOrOther via a mapped rive (to \\SERVER\c$). I think I just added a user - something simple.

    I clicked OK from the properties window, and all permissions (i.e. any record of any permissions settings) were removed from the root of C: and cascaded across the entire drive. The server shortly afterwards blue-screened. I went into the comms room and bounced the server but it just went straight to blue screen each time it started up.

    We fixed it the next morning by doing a complete format & clean install of Windows & SQL Server on the system drive, then re-attaching the databases (which were on a separate array of drives, unaffected).

    Easy to fix, albeit good experience, but just happened at completely the wrong time!

    I've just tried Googling for it but I can't find it... the IT Manager at the time didn't seem too surprised and said there was a bug when changing NT4 permissions from 2K machines in the way I did. Used VNC or TSC ever since!

    Everyone got paid, mind.

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