Overview data from all tables

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Overview data from all tables

  • Thank, I like the addition and appreciate you taking the time to put this together (and posting of course). You might want to change the title to Overview Info (or metrics or stats , etc.), as initially I thought it would pull a data sample from each table.

  • Great script. However I would get this error on some of my databases:

    Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_spaceused, Line 62

    The object 'tbl_Mine' does not exist in database 'Test' or is invalid for this operation.

    The problem occurs when the table has a schema other than dbo associated with it. sp_spaceused will throw the error unless you include the schema like sp_spaceused 'payroll.tbl_Mine'

    I modified just one line of your code to prevent this error. Here is your code followed by my edit:


    declare tblname CURSOR for select name from sysobjects where xtype='U'


    declare tblname CURSOR for select OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(id) + '.' + name from sysobjects where xtype='U'

    Thanks again for sharing this script.


  • Hi, awesome script.

    It does not take a schema name into a picture, and fails for all tables in a non-DBO schemas.

    I had to corret it:

    set nocount on

    if exists(select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name='##tmp') drop table ##tmp

    if exists(select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name='##tmp2') drop table ##tmp2

    --first temp table can hold the grouped data

    --credit to Thava for gathering index counts

    SELECT t.name AS TableName, t.[object_id],

    SUM ( CASE WHEN i.is_primary_key = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Primarykey,

    SUM ( CASE WHEN i.[type] = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS ClusteredIndex,

    SUM ( CASE WHEN i.[type] = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS NonClusteredIndex,

    SUM ( CASE WHEN i.[type] = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS HeapIndex,

    COUNT ( * ) TotalNoofIndex into ##tmp2

    FROM sys.tables t

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.indexes i

    ON i.[object_id] = t.[object_id]


    t.name, t.[object_id]

    order by TableName asc

    --second temp table will hold the sizes

    create table ##tmp(nam varchar(50), rows int, res varchar(15),data varchar(15),ind_sze varchar(15),unsed varchar(15))


    declare @tblname varchar(50)

    declare tblname CURSOR for

    SELECT c.name+'.'+a.name table_name

    FROM sys.objects a WITH (NOLOCK)

    join sys.dm_db_partition_stats b WITH (NOLOCK)

    on a.object_id = b.object_id

    join sys.schemas c WITH (NOLOCK)

    on a.schema_id = c.schema_id

    WHERE a.type='u' AND b.index_id < 2

    GROUP BY a.name , c.name

    open tblname

    Fetch next from tblname into @tblname



    insert into ##tmp

    exec sp_spaceused @tblname

    FETCH NEXT FROM tblname INTO @tblname


    CLOSE tblname

    deallocate tblname


    update ##tmp set

    res = round((cast(REPLACE(res,' KB','') as real) / 1024),-1), --convert to MB

    data = round((cast(REPLACE(data,' KB','') as real) / 1024),-1),

    ind_sze = round((cast(REPLACE(ind_sze,' KB','') as real) / 1024),-1),

    unsed = round((cast(REPLACE(unsed,' KB','') as real) / 1024),-1)

    select nam Table_Name,rows Total_Rows,res Total_Size_MB,data Data_size_MB,ind_sze Index_Size_MB,unsed Unused_Space,##tmp2.TotalNoofIndex as [Number of Indexes],##tmp2.ClusteredIndex as [NumClustered], ##tmp2.NonClusteredIndex as [NumNonClustered], ##tmp2.HeapIndex as [NumHeap], ##tmp2.Primarykey as [Has Primary Key]

    from ##tmp

    join ##tmp2 on ##tmp.nam = ##tmp2.TableName

    order by cast(res as real) desc

    --order by rows desc

    drop table ##tmp

    drop table ##tmp2

    The script uses a fully qualified table nama as <schema>.<table>

    It still is not perfect beacuese it is not showing a fully qualyfied table name, but works in 2005 and 2008


  • I ran into two errors on my largest database. Both were easy to remedy.

    The first was simply that I had some object names in excess of your 50 character limit. I changed the two varchar parameters from 50 to 60 and eliminated the error.

    The second was a collation conflict in the join. I modified the join as follows:

    join ##tmp2 on ##tmp.nam COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = ##tmp2.TableName

    Great script. Thanks for posting!

  • After a very long time eventhough

    Thanks for giving credits to me

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