Package Configuration Files MSDB

  • I specified a package configuration file for a group of SSIS Packages that I recently revised.

    The dtsconfig file is of course in the file system.

    I assume that the packages will still reference the dtsconfig once I redeploy them into MSDB?

    What steps can be taken if I would the dtsconfig to reside in MSDB?

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  • The packages will reference the configuration, no matter where it is, if you enabled configurations in the package.

    When you enable configurations in BIDS, the wizard gives you a chance to select a configuration type. If you choose "SQL Server", you can specify the server and database where you want it stored. It doesn't necessarily have to be stored in msdb. Our DW instance has a database specifically for package configurations.


  • Interesting.

    I would like to know more about how you use your database to store package configurations.

    I saw that when you create a job to execute an SSIS Package there is a table to specify the Configuration File. I assume that this is allowing you to specify the dtsconfig file that you referenced inside the package but I'm not sure I understand why you would do both?

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  • I'm specifying a path for the SSIS Package Configuation and file where I store an AS400 User Name & Password.

    I then use the DTUTIL to store the package in msdb.

    I create a Job with each package as I step but it disables my AS400 Account, invalid Password.

    Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong or what I need to change so that I do not get this error?

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  • Welsh Corgi (5/1/2012)


    I would like to know more about how you use your database to store package configurations.

    I saw that when you create a job to execute an SSIS Package there is a table to specify the Configuration File. I assume that this is allowing you to specify the dtsconfig file that you referenced inside the package but I'm not sure I understand why you would do both?

    I haven't actually used the configurations in the database yet, so I can't give you any details. I know that a table is created that looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SSIS Configurations]


    ConfigurationFilter NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

    ConfiguredValue NVARCHAR(255) NULL,

    PackagePath NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

    ConfiguredValueType NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL


    It looks the table mostly contains connection strings and checkpoint info.


  • Checkpoints are not stored into a database, but in a dedicated checkpoint file.

    Package configurations in a table have the same structure as those in a .dtsconfig table, but in a table format (deeeuh :-D)

    You only need to include a connection manager in your package that tells the package where this configuration database is located. Usually this connection manager is configured by an environment variable --> indirect configuration.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (5/1/2012)

    Checkpoints are not stored into a database, but in a dedicated checkpoint file.

    My bad. I should have said variable strings that identify checkpoints i.e. location of the checkpoint file.


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