Package Configurations

  • Hello All,

    I am starting to look at package configurations. This mainly so I can run my packages in a DR scenario where the database server name will be different and the export/import file locations will also be different.

    I ran the Package Configuration Wizard and choose SQL Server as my configuration type. I then needed to specify a server and table where my configurations are held.

    Isn't the server name hardcoded in the package so it knows where to find the configuration information?

    If I move the package to a different server wouldn't it still be looking at my old server? Wouldn't I still need to edit the package? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of using configurations?

    Please help me understand this if you can..


  • Hi,

    You can use environment variables to hold the connection string to fix the issue.

    Please find the details here with an illustrated example


    We went for XML files. We have a consistent folder location across all SSIS server and development PCs (e.g. C:\SSIS\Configs or somesuch) which works very well for us. The configs are easily viewable and editable by non-ETL-savvy admins.

    This allows us to reconfig data connection properties, package locations, email addresses, logging levels, timeouts and even enabling or disabling of certain tasks (by way of conditional precendence constraints) all via values in the config files.

    Also, please see this excellent advice from Jamie Thomson which has helped our developement practices greatly:


  • Thank you both, that was very helpful.

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