• i have a ssis package the source for the package comes from three different tables

    and a union all transformation is applied for these colums form the tables

    and a slowely changing transformation is applied and finally the destination which is a table again

    .NOW the SCD transformation should look for changes and replace tho old data with the new updated data , insted of doing that its just adding the records every day

    well in the SCD two columns have been assigned to business key , of which on columns allow nulls

    so do you think because of this i have the issue , because you cannot have a column that allows nulls should be assigned a business key ..... need suggistions




  • and the type of attribute i am using is CHANGING attribute

  • Koolme,

    As far as I can remember, SCD transformation is more of a wizard that adds certain transformations once you configure it completely. Do you have any date time columns in your source table/destination tables. Whole idea of updating any record revolves around the fact that it needs to have a date time column associated to it, otherwise how is the process going to identify what record is it supposed to update?!? Hope I am making sense.

    An alternate approach to NOT using the SCD transformation is to use the Lookup transformation in conjunction with a Conditional Split and OLEDB command. Looking up on the business key column will allow you to send out the rows to conditional split where you can write expressions which either send the updatable records to one direction and the new records to another.

  • yeh there is no date clolumn

  • You will need an OLEDB command for sure if you are trying to update the records. If not, it will by default keep adding new records. Do you have an update statement anywhere after your SCD transformation?

  • yeh i do have an OLEDB command.... well any ways its fixed ..... it was causing troubles because of the business key that was assigned to the columns that was allowing nulls , well i do not need the date columns because well date columns will give you the effective and expiration columns which is not needed .... any ways thanks a alot guys



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