Packed decimal to date

  • Hello,

    I need to convert a packed decimal to a date... Unfortunately it is stored that way on a mainframe and then moved over to SqlServer. Any ideas???

  • By packed decimal I'm guessing you mean an eight character date like '20020102' would look like this in a SQL Server binary field 0x20020102

    If this is true then you might try a modified version of my "Converting Binary data to a Hex Character String" that can be found here:

    That modified script might look like this:

    declare @binary_field varbinary(85)

    declare @C int

    declare @hexnum char(100)

    set @binary_field = 0x20020102

    set @hexnum = ''

    while len(@binary_field) > 0


    set @C=cast(substring(@binary_field,1,1) as int)

    set @binary_field=substring(@binary_field,2,len(@binary_field))

    set @hexnum = rtrim(@hexnum) +


    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 0 then '0'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16= 1 then '1'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16= 2 then '2'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 3 then '3'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 4 then '4'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 5 then '5'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 6 then '6'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 7 then '7'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 8 then '8'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 9 then '9'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 10 then 'A'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 11 then 'D'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 12 then 'C'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 13 then 'D'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 14 then 'E'

    when (@c)/power(16,1)%16 = 15 then 'F'

    end +


    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 0 then '0'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16= 1 then '1'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16= 2 then '2'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 3 then '3'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 4 then '4'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 5 then '5'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 6 then '6'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 7 then '7'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 8 then '8'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 9 then '9'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 10 then 'A'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 11 then 'D'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 12 then 'C'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 13 then 'D'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 14 then 'E'

    when (@c)/power(16,0)%16 = 15 then 'F'




    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Thanks.... 🙂

  • I believe the mainframe stores the date as a Julian date. If that is the case then here a link to a date converter.

    Here is also a link to a forum regarding Julian conversions:





  • This is *very* helpful,

    Thanks for sharing

    * Noel

  • EOJRR1, while a workaround for your packed decimal issue has been provided the 'root' cause still remains. It is generally accepted that when transferring data between disimilar operating systems (IBM to Windows) or disimilar hardware platforms (IBM to Wintel) that the transfer occurs in text format. Packed format is hardware specific. For example, way back in the day, Burroughs and IBM both supported packed decimal as most 'big iron' vendors did. However one used a the high order bit to denote the sign of the numeric value as opposed to the other which used a low order bit to denote the sign of the value. Even today, would you take the int value in native format from UDB2 and import it directly to the int value in SQL Server ? I think not. Well back to the root cause. I believe that the process on the mainframe side needs a slight bit of adjustment to convert the packed data item(s) to display data (text on the ascii side). Granted you may have inherited this 'as is' but that does not mean you cannot excercise 'due diligence' and improve the situation. Good Luck !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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