Page Header

  • Hello All

    I need to put a title on my report. The page shows the input parameters, but i dont know how to put a title on this page i.e about the input parameters.



  • Can't you put a label or a textbox for that?

  • I tried that, but that is showing up on the page when I click the View Report.

    What i need is the title to show up on the page which lists the input parameters.

    THanks a lot



  • Can't help you with that.. never used RS before.

  • Can you be a little more descriptive on the problem.  Maybe put up some screens shots.

  • I have a simple report which takes 2 parameters. Say FirstName and LastName. When I run the report it prompts for the 2 parameters. On this same page, I want to insert the name of the report (MY First Report)and then display the 2 parameters:

    For example My report should be like this.


    First Name: <Textbox>

    Last Name: <Textbox> 

    ViewReport <Button>

    Please let me know if this is clear enough.

    Thanks a lot



  • What's the data source of the report?

  • Using a text box, insert the following in the value section of the properties.

    For grabbing what was selected from your parameters

    = Parameters![name of the parameter].Label    

    For displaying some text

    = "[name of report]"   


    Hope this helps.

  • The datasource is a stored Procedure. The report is working fine, I am not worried about that. i am able input the values and the report is generating successfully.

    Only thing I need is that on the input page I need a title to be displayed.

    The following is the report. I need some title above the strHolderID parameter. Something like "MY FIRST REPORT"


  • You need to put this image on a webserver ::

    C:\Documents and Settings\imran\Desktop\screen1.gif

  • Thanks for the reply Sergio.

    If I use the above code, it displays the name of the report on the results page and not on the main page. I need the title to be displayed on the main page and not on the Results page.



  • How are you displaying your data from you stored procs?  If you are using a table, put the name of the report on the "Table Header" section.  If you are not using a table, put the text box with the name of the report in the "Report Header" section of the the report.  The report header will only show up on the first page.

  • I am using a table to display the data. I tried putting the title but it always displays that title on the results first page and not on the main input page.

    What I need is the report title to show up the input page.




  • I'm sorry, but I just don't understand exactly where you want the title to appear.  Please try putting the screen print on a web server so that I can see what you are trying to accomplish.

    Also, when you say the "results first page", do you mean the details section of the table?   What do you mean by the input page? 

  • OK, Let me try once again. Normally in any report we have

    1. the input page(Which has the input parameter fields and the the view report Button)  and

    2. The output page which displays the results.

    I am not all worried about the output page which displays the results. What i Need exactly is "The title of the report to be displayed on the input page, above the input parameters." The following is my input page and I need the title of the report to be displayed above the strHolderID input parameter.


    I hope this helps.

    Thanks a lot Sergio for ur patience.

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