Pagination using sql query

  • How Do I get 10 rows at a time (i.e) 1-10 at first time and 11-20 rows at next click and so on. Can any body tell a solution or link which will explain this process. I am using Sqlserver with PHP

  • Check this link...I hope this is what u want!



  • You could do something like this:

    SELECT TOP 10 *

    FROM table1

    WHERE id_field NOT IN

    (SELECT TOP @previous_count id_field FROM table1 ORDER BY id_field)

    ORDER BY id_field


    Here @previous_count is an integer denoting the start count. So on first page it will be 0, 2nd page it will be 10....

    id_field could be an IDENTITY field


  • Try this:

    It will bring you records 11-20 out of table [myTable], sorted by [sortField]:

    select * from (

        select top 10 * from (

            select top 20 * from (

                select * from myTable -- this can in fact be any search query

            ) a order by SortField

        ) b order by SortField DESC

    ) c order by SortField


    I use this technique and it works quite well - also I can replace the innermost query with just about any search statement, such as "SELECT * FROM ... WHERE name LIKE ... AND type = ... etc.


    Good luck,

     - Avi





  • More than one way to skin that cat

    or here

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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