Parallelism SP tuning

  • Hi there

    This simple query below kills our server performance bcos this logic is used in lot of our SPs

    if there is a better way pls help.

    @sectionID <=0

    OR a.section_id = @sectionID

    this above code does parallelism but if i comment 1 line it dosent

    --@sectionID <=0 OR

    a.section_id = @sectionID

    and also if there is a better way of writing this logic pls help

    SELECT a.[id]

    FROM articles a WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE a.active_status = 1 AND a.approved_status = 1 AND a.site_id = @siteid

    AND (

    @sectionID <=0

    OR a.section_id = @sectionID


    AND (

    @subsectionID <=0

    OR a.subsection_id in(

    SELECT [id]

    FROM sbk_subsection sub_sst WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE sub_sst.section_id = @sectionid



    sub_sst.subsection_name = @subsectionName

    OR sub_sst.subsection_name LIKE @subsectionName + '[_]%'




    AND (getdate() >= a.publish_date OR a.publish_date IS NULL)

    AND (getdate() <= a.end_date OR a.end_date IS NULL)

    ORDER BY a.article_date DESC, title

    there are 494569 records in articles table


  • I suggest you to read this article on how to post performace problems

    With a quick look I see a couple of potential problems:

    1) NOLOCK is bad, it could return inconsistent data, due to page splits and dirty reads

    2) The "OR" condition you are commenting always leads to a index scan instead of a seek: try to rewrite it



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gail Shaw has written a fine article on this sort of query, which addresses just the sort of issues you are seeing.

  • If you want a more in-depth reference on the subject, you could also read Erland Somarskog's blog:

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • wow that was great article thats exactly what i was looking for

    thankx guys

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