Parameter issue

  • When am assigning a parameter of a procedure to a variable and use tha variable throguh out the procedure, am seeing the plan is not an optimal one as it uses the scan for big tables. However, it uses seek directly with passed parameter. Just conflicting the parameter sniffing resolution like "Assign to a variable and use the variable further".

    Help me to understand the situation.

  • 28 views, no replies... I think that shows you probably should explain a bit better your question, with an example if possible.

    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: for significant large values of 2

  • Yes, I too guess so....

    I was trying to explain the following:

    Say, i have a procedure proc

    Create proc proc(@param bigint)


    declare @param1 bigint

    Set @param1 = @param

    Select <colums> From tab A

    inner join tab2 B on A.<col> = B.<col1>

    inner join tab3 c on b.<col> = c.<col1> where tab2=@param1

    When i see the execution plan it uses tab3 for custerd scan

    but if am not using the variable @param1, it uses clustered seek as below.

    Create proc proc(@param bigint)


    --declare @param1 bigint

    --Set @param1 = @param

    Select <colums> From tab A

    inner join tab2 B on A.<col> = B.<col1>

    inner join tab3 c on b.<col> = c.<col1> where tab2=@param

    Somewhere i read/watched vedios on parameter sniffing, there a resolution as setting the params to a variable within the procedure and use the variable for the further operation.

    As I experienced an odd behaviour, I dont know why?will break the same?

    Please let me wherei would have gone wrong. or is there someone experienced so.

    Appreciate your feedbacks.

  • Gail has a couple of posts starting here:

    This should help you understand what you are seeing.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I should thank you to route me to the right place.

    So the point is that should not try the parameters to a variable in a procedure until we see a reason for the same like parameter sniffing;which will lead the optimizer not to choose the best plan as the values are unknown to the optimizer.Am i correct? if so, I learnt a good lesson.

  • I just wanted to share the below path too related the topic:

  • Heres a link that might help you:

    Steve Jimmo
    Sr DBA
    “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

  • I could not understand in much detail about your problem. But I think, it is related to Distributed Partitioned vie.

    Please go through the below link:

    It might help you.


    Mahendra Jain

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