Parameter issue in ssrs 2005

  • Hi ,

    I am designing one report with date parameter set , convert(varchar(13),["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)

    FROM [WSS_Content_EuroTraining].[dbo].[ERS_MOSS_P01_Monitor]

    where ["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"] between @Startdate and @EndDate

    group by convert(varchar(13),["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)

    when i paste this to the Data view of Designer...It Doesnt give me any Error....

    But when I paste this below Query

    select avg(Cast(T1.[["\\GBEDC-APPSP01\Memory\Pages/sec"]]] as float)) AS MemoryPages,

    avg(Cast(T1.[["\\GBEDC-APPSP01\Memory\Available MBytes"]]] as int)) AS MemoryAvailableMBytes ,

    avg(Cast(T1.[["\\GBEDC-APPSP01\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"]]] as float)) AS ProcessorTime,

    convert(varchar(13),T1.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)as Datetime,

    avg(Cast(T2.["\\GBEDC-APPSP02\Memory\Pages/sec"] as float)) AS MemoryPages_1,

    avg(Cast(T2.["\\GBEDC-APPSP02\Memory\Available MBytes"] as int)) AS MemoryAvailableMBytes_1 ,

    avg(Cast(T2.["\\GBEDC-APPSP02\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"] as float)) AS ProcessorTime_1,

    convert(varchar(13),T2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)as Datetime_1,

    datename(hour,t2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"])as HH

    FROM [WSS_Content_EuroTraining].[dbo].[ERS_MOSS_P01_Monitor]T1 ,

    [WSS_Content_EuroTraining].[dbo].[ERS_MOSS_P02_Monitor] T2

    where T1.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"] between @StartDate and @EndDate

    and T2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"] between @StartDate and @EndDate

    and convert(varchar(13),T1.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)=convert(varchar(13),T2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120)

    group by convert(varchar(13),T1.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120),

    convert(varchar(13),T2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120),

    datename(hour,t2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"])

    order by convert(varchar(13),T1.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120),

    convert(varchar(13),T2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"],120),

    datename(hour,t2.["(PDH-CSV 4 0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)"])

    SSRS point the Error stating it "Must declare the scalar variable @Startdate"

    Why is this ? with the second query...

    Help me out Plz



  • I found the solution for my question....

    I like to share .....with u'll

    Its mainly bcoz of the column names ,as the column names had square brackets and double quote respresenting ....

    As i was thinking .....thinking...of the solution...Finally i could come out of I Just changes the Column names to simple way naming ...thats it ...evertthing got Fine..

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