Parsed string into a view

  • I have a column in a table the contains delimited strings. I would like to create a view that would have the parsed values in thier own column. I currently have a script to do one at a time but having trouble changing it to be set based. Below is current script:

    DECLARE @Delimiter Char(1)

    DECLARE @StringToParse VarChar(MAX)

    DECLARE @CharactersLeftToParse INT

    DECLARE @LoopCounter INT

    DECLARE @ParsedString VarChar(100)

    DECLARE @OrigValue Varchar(50)

    SET @Delimiter = ','

    SET @StringToParse = 'how,can,this,be,done'

    SET @OrigValue = @StringToParse

    SET @CharactersLeftToParse =Len(@StringToParse)

    SET @LoopCounter=1

    CREATE TABLE #ParsedValuesTable


    id int identity(1,1),

    OrigValue varchar(50),

    ParsedValue VarChar(50)


    IF (CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringToParse,1) = 0)

    PRINT @StringToParse

    WHILE (CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringToParse,1) <> 0)


    IF @LoopCounter = 1

    SET @ParsedString = SUBSTRING(@StringToParse, @LoopCounter, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@StringToParse,1) - 1)

    INSERT INTO #ParsedValuesTable (OrigValue,ParsedValue) VALUES (@OrigValue,@ParsedString)

    SET @StringToParse = SUBSTRING(@StringToParse, Len(@ParsedString) + 2, Len(@StringToParse))

    SET @CharactersLeftToParse = @CharactersLeftToParse - 1

    IF (CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringToParse,1) = 0)

    INSERT INTO #ParsedValuesTable (OrigValue,ParsedValue) VALUES (@OrigValue,@StringToParse)


    SELECT * from #ParsedValuesTable




    for [id] in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])

    )as p

    DROP TABLE #ParsedValuesTable

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  • Do a search on this site for Tally table. I think this will help you solve your problem.

  • Here's an example of parsing using a tally table, but the article is really worth reading. This example creates the tally table on the fly from CTE's, but you can also just create one of a million rows or so in your database.


    DECLARE @Delimiter Char(1)

    DECLARE @StringToParse VarChar(MAX)

    declare @timer datetime

    SET @Delimiter = ','

    SET @StringToParse = 'how,can,this,be,done,really,really,quickly'

    select @stringToParse

    set @timer = getdate()

    select @stringToParse = @delimiter+@stringToParse+@delimiter


    L0 AS (SELECT 1 AS C UNION ALL SELECT 1), --2 rows

    L1 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L0 AS A, L0 AS B),--4 rows "L0 as A, L0 as B" is just shorthand way to code a cross join

    L2 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L1 AS A, L1 AS B),--16 rows

    L3 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L2 AS A, L2 AS B),--256 rows

    L4 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L3 AS A, L3 AS B),--65536 rows


    Array AS

    (select Row_Number() over (order by N) as E,substring(@stringToParse,N+1,charindex(@delimiter,@stringToParse,N+1)-(N+1)) as element

    from tally

    where substring(@stringToParse,N,1) = @delimiter

    and N < len(@stringToParse)


    select max(case when e = 1 then element else null end) as Col1

    ,max(case when e = 2 then element else null end) as Col2

    ,max(case when e = 3 then element else null end) as Col3

    ,max(case when e = 4 then element else null end) as Col4

    ,max(case when e = 5 then element else null end) as Col5

    ,max(case when e = 6 then element else null end) as Col6

    ,max(case when e = 7 then element else null end) as Col7

    ,max(case when e = 8 then element else null end) as Col8

    ,max(case when e = 9 then element else null end) as Col9

    ,max(case when e = 10 then element else null end) as Col10

    from array

    select datediff(ms,@timer,getdate())


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Robert,

    Take a look at the following article. It explains what a Tally table is, how it works, has a couple of examples including how to split a whole table's worth of CSV's, and a good method to build either a permanent Tally table, or an "on the fly" CTE that runs very fast.

    Look for the section titled [font="Arial Black"]"One Final "Split" Trick with the Tally Table"[/font] for the solution to your problem.

    Please feel free to post back if you have any implementation problems with this.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • The tally table is definately something I can use, thank to all who pointed it out. But I am now having trouble now getting all the parsed values into the same row.

    here is what I currently have. this outputs one row for each parsed value but i would need all values in the same row.

    ie how,to,do,this

    would result into


    |how,to,do,this | how | to | do | this |


    create table #parsed

    (csv varchar(50))

    insert into #parsed

    select 'how,to,do,this'


    select 'how,is,this,done'


    select 'i,dont,know'


    select 'but,i,want,to,know'

    --select * from #parsed;


    L0 AS (SELECT 1 AS C UNION ALL SELECT 1), --2 rows

    L1 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L0 AS A, L0 AS B),--4 rows "L0 as A, L0 as B" is just shorthand way to code a cross join

    L2 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L1 AS A, L1 AS B),--16 rows

    L3 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L2 AS A, L2 AS B),--256 rows

    L4 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L3 AS A, L3 AS B),--65536 rows


    ranknum as(

    select dense_rank() over (ORDER BY csv) AS [rank],csv from #parsed),

    total as

    (SELECT rnk.[rank],p.csv, SUBSTRING(','+p.csv+',',N+1,CHARINDEX(',',','+p.csv+',',N+1)-N-1) AS Value

    FROM Tally2 t

    CROSS JOIN #parsed p

    inner join ranknum rnk

    on rnk.[csv] = p.csv

    WHERE N < LEN(','+p.csv+',')

    AND SUBSTRING(','+p.csv+',',N,1) = ',')

    select [rank]as [rank],csv,[Value] as [value] from total

    order by [rank]

    drop table #parsed

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  • I seem to have gotten it to work (kind of). i have created a stored proc which outputs what i need but i would like it searchable so I added parameters to it. With the parameters in the stores proc no results are returned but if i hard code the parameters in the where clause I get correct results. Anybody help with this or suggest a different way of doing this.

    create proc csvparsed

    @col varchar(5) ,

    @search varchar(50)


    declare @parsed table

    (csv varchar(50) not null);

    insert into @parsed

    select 'how,to,do,this'


    select 'how,is,this,done'


    select 'i,dont,know'


    select 'but,i,want,to,know';

    --select * from #parsed;

    declare @total table

    ([rank2] int,

    [rank] int,

    [csv] varchar(50),

    [value] varchar(50));


    L0 AS (SELECT 1 AS C UNION ALL SELECT 1), --2 rows

    L1 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L0 AS A, L0 AS B),--4 rows "L0 as A, L0 as B" is just shorthand way to code a cross join

    L2 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L1 AS A, L1 AS B),--16 rows

    L3 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L2 AS A, L2 AS B),--256 rows

    L4 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L3 AS A, L3 AS B),--65536 rows


    ranknum as(

    select rank() over (order by csv) AS [rank],csv from @parsed),

    total as

    (SELECT rnk.[rank],p.csv, SUBSTRING(','+p.csv+',',N+1,CHARINDEX(',',','+p.csv+',',N+1)-N-1) AS Value

    FROM Tally2 t

    CROSS JOIN @parsed p

    inner join ranknum rnk

    on rnk.[csv] = p.csv

    WHERE N < LEN(','+p.csv+',')

    AND SUBSTRING(','+p.csv+',',N,1) = ',')

    insert into @total

    select row_number() over (partition by [rank] order by csv) AS [rank2],[rank]as [rank],csv,[Value] as [value] from total;

    select csv,[1],[2],[3],[4],[5] from @total




    for [rank2] in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])

    )as p

    where @col = @search;

    exec csvparsed @col='[1]', @search = 'how'

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  • Look at your where clause: @col = @search !!!

    Using your input parms you are asking for rows where '[1]'='how'.

    Usually you have to do dynamic sql to pass a parm for what column to search.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Robert klimes (11/4/2008)

    The tally table is definately something I can use, thank to all who pointed it out. But I am now having trouble now getting all the parsed values into the same row.

    here is what I currently have. this outputs one row for each parsed value but i would need all values in the same row.

    ie how,to,do,this

    would result into


    |how,to,do,this | how | to | do | this |

    I have to ask two questions...

    Why do you want to do this? In other words, what is the actual requirement? I ask because sometimes there's a better way available.

    And, what would the column names for this be especially since you're asking for a potentially variable number of columns?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • (Conceding in advance that if you answer Jeff's question he will know a better way...)

    This approach can handle your search, but comes with two caveats: (1) It involves creation of a user defined function, and (2) the "search" will be a table scan.


    -- Here's the user defined function.


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufnParseAndSearch


    @input varchar(1000)

    ,@delimiter char(1)

    ,@searchCol int

    ,@searchString varchar(100)


    RETURNS @returnTbl TABLE


    [1] varchar(100)

    ,[2] varchar(100)

    ,[3] varchar(100)

    ,[4] varchar(100)

    ,[5] varchar(100)

    ,[6] varchar(100)

    ,[7] varchar(100)

    ,[8] varchar(100)

    ,[9] varchar(100)

    ,[10] varchar(100)




    declare @workTbl table (E int primary key, element varchar(100))

    set @input = @delimiter+@input+@delimiter



    ,L1 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L0 AS A, L0 AS B)

    ,L2 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L1 AS A, L1 AS B)

    ,L3 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L2 AS A, L2 AS B)

    ,L4 AS (SELECT 1 AS C FROM L3 AS A, L3 AS B)


    ,Array AS

    (select Row_Number() over (order by N) as E,substring(@input,N+1,charindex(@delimiter,@input,N+1)-(N+1)) as element

    from tally

    where substring(@input,N,1) = @delimiter

    and N < len(@input)


    insert into @workTbl

    select E,element from Array

    if exists (select 1 from @workTbl where E = @searchCol and element = @searchString)


    insert into @returnTbl

    select sum(case when e = 1 then element else null end) as [1]

    ,sum(case when e = 2 then element else null end) as [2]

    ,sum(case when e = 3 then element else null end) as [3]

    ,sum(case when e = 4 then element else null end) as [4]

    ,sum(case when e = 5 then element else null end) as [5]

    ,sum(case when e = 6 then element else null end) as [6]

    ,sum(case when e = 7 then element else null end) as [7]

    ,sum(case when e = 8 then element else null end) as [8]

    ,sum(case when e = 9 then element else null end) as [9]

    ,sum(case when e = 10 then element else null end) as [10]

    from @workTbl





    /* test

    select * from dbo.ufnParseAndSearch ('how,about,this,action',',',1,'howl')



    -- and here is how you use it in your example


    DECLARE @input TABLE (StringToParse VarChar(100))

    DECLARE @Delimiter Char(1)

    declare @col int

    declare @search varchar(100)

    declare @timer datetime

    SET @Delimiter = ','

    set @col = 1

    set @search = 'how'

    insert into @input

    select 'how,can,this,be,done' union all

    select 'how,is,it,possible' union all

    select 'it,may,not,be' union all

    select 'but,then,again' union all

    select 'how,can,this,be,done,really,really,quickly'

    set @timer = getdate()

    select *

    from @input

    cross apply dbo.ufnParseAndSearch(StringToParse,',',@col,@search)

    select datediff(ms,@timer,getdate())


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Why do you want to do this? In other words, what is the actual requirement? I ask because sometimes there's a better way available.

    And, what would the column names for this be especially since you're asking for a potentially variable number of columns?

    The results of this will be joined to other tables for use in reports. And after further investigation the number of parsed coulmns will be static. In light of this I have written a quick view that satisfies my needs but it is quite unreadable and what was sudgested and I was trying to accomplish with the tally table may be a better way to go.

    this is the view I have created

    create table parse

    (stringToParse varchar(50));

    insert into parse

    select 'this,is,the,parse,view'

    union all

    select 'hard,to,read,the,sql'

    union all

    select 'open,to,a,better,way';

    alter view parse_view (



    select stringToParse,






    from dbo.parse;

    select * from parse_view

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  • Robert klimes (11/6/2008)

    And after further investigation the number of parsed coulmns will be static.

    So... how many columns?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • there will be 5 columns. The string to be parsed takes the form of


    columns 3 (ABCDE) and 4 (9876) are variable length of unknown size, column 1 and 2 are variable upto a length of 6 numbers, and column 5 will always be the value 1,2,or 3.

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