Partition of tables with 1M records

  • Hi,

    Currently, we have 25GB database in PROD with 150+ tables. But, there are few tables (say 5 - 10 transactional) having 1 - 2 million records which are key for any queries / SPs to fire.

    The system is into PROD for a year & coming Dec, we will generate another 1-2M data into those tables as part of year end processing.

    We have already placed appropriate indexes & updata STATs running in PROD on daily basis to rebuild the pages. Now, we are planning to implement PARTITIONs into those tables.

    Would like to hear from you about suggestions / recommendations in implementing table partitions.




  • Perhaps you aren't looking for someone to ask this, but why are you thinking of partitioning? Are you having performance problems? Do you have slow running queries?

    My thoughts on partitioning is that it is an often abused feature used to mask real performance problems more related to table design and indexing strategy.

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