Partitioned Tables and file sizes

  • Hello all-

    We were experiencing some very long load times for a fairly large table (21 million records), so we partitioned the table into four file-groups. After we trunc'ed and re-loaded, we added about 80 GB of data to the new files. After we shrunk the database, however, the .mdf file stayed close to the same size as before we partitioned the table. We're running into space issues now; any suggestions? Why didn't we reclaim more space after shrinking the database?

    Thanks much,


  • dbcc shrinkdb will not shrink a data file to a size smaller than the amount of space needed for the data it contains or smaller than it's size when it was created or smaller than the size set with a dbcc shrinkfile command or through SSMS. maybe one of hese is the cause. If you need to shrink just the mdf to smaller than one of these values you can try dbcc shrinkfile.

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