Pass dynamic arguement to sp_start_job

  • I am writing some custom scripts that create our replication topology for a disaster recovery plan and the last step is to run the section where it will start the snapshot agent. So, I'm trying to figure out how to use T-SQL to start the snapshot agent.

    I know this much, I would use the sp_start_job SP in MSDB and pass it the @job_id argument (or @job_name). However, since this is for a DR plan and we have several servers and topologies for replication I would like to have it use another SP that I wrote that gets the job_id of the REPL-Snapshot job from the sp_help_jobs SP to get the value for @job_id.

    My question is, how do I pass a variable into the statement? And how do I combine all of it? Below is what I have so far and I know that it's not complete or right, but wanted to give you an idea of the direction I was moving.

    DECLARE @JOB TABLE(JOB_ID nvarchar(50)),

    @JOBID nvarchar(50)


    exec dbo.GetJobIDForReplicationSnapshot

    set @JOBID = select * from @job

    USE [msdb]

    exec sp_start_job @job_id = N''+@JOB+'';


    So the dbo.GetJobIDForReplicationSnapshot SP that I wrote comes back with the appropriate value for the job_id. i just need to figure out how to use that value in the "exec sp_start_job @job_id = " argument.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • If the @JOBID parameter has the correct job_id, this should work:

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_id = @JOBID

    - Jeff

  • I think I'm missing something else here as well. I get a couple errors on the declare statement syntax (on the , separating the two variables and it says that I must declare the scalar variable @JOBID). Is it not possible to declare other variables when you use the TABLE type?

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • Should it be something closer to this? Still not right as it is asking me to declare scalar value even though I'm only returning a single value. How should I rewrite this to use the results from GetJobIDForReplicationSnapshot as a varchar variable instead of a table? I assume that is why I can't use it for the argument for sp_start_job.

    DECLARE @JOB TABLE(JOB_ID nvarchar(50))


    exec dbo.GetJobIDForReplicationSnapshot

    --select * from @JOB

    USE [msdb]

    exec sp_start_job @job_id = @JOB


    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • More like this:

    DECLARE @JOB TABLE(JOB_ID nvarchar(50))

    DECLARE @JOBID nvarchar(50)

    INSERT into @JOB (JOB_ID)

    exec dbo.GetJobIDForReplicationSnapshot

    set @JOBID = (select * from @job)

    USE [msdb]

    exec sp_start_job @job_id = @jobid


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  • Awesome, that works like a charm. Thanks!

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • By the way, I'm feeling a little foolish for not seeing this sooner but for anyone else looking for it, there is a special system stored procedure that is already used to start the snapshot agent.

    It would be implemented as such:

    sp_startpublication_snapshot @publication = N'[pubname]'


    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

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