Pass Through

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Pass Through

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • A quick google search returned no relevant results explaining this property. Perhaps this is something Microsoft could do better to document.

  • As usual, a great question Hugo, but even better are your explanations!

    I have no link for "documentation" per se, but this page has a nice example of a pass-through situation forcing a nested loop join, even when that hurts performance.


  • Very informative as usual Hugo! Odd that I couldn't find anything online regarding this. Thanks for the explanation!

  • Never heard of such property "pass through" before. But while reading the question multiple times and by doing a smart elimination, picked up the correct option.


  • Rich Mechaber (11/13/2015)

    As usual, a great question Hugo, but even better are your explanations!

    I have no link for "documentation" per se, but this page has a nice example of a pass-through situation forcing a nested loop join, even when that hurts performance.


    Never enocuntered/or noticed a usage of this property b4, but that link helped me to understand it, thanx.

  • Thanks for this interesting question on a difficult topic.

    I have been able to guess the good choice only because I have studied the chapter 10 of the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Internals written by Kalen Delaney ( and many others famous persons like Jonathan Kehayias or Paul Randal ) during the August month.

    For people who could be interested : have a look at the pages 578 ==> 580.

  • Thanks for a very good question that taught me something.

  • Quite an elaborate explanation in the answer. Thank you.

  • Hugo should get extra points for his very elaborate answer!

    Great question, well done.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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  • Koen Verbeeck (11/17/2015)

    Hugo should get extra points for his very elaborate answer!

    Great question, well done.


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