passing more than one value to a SP

  • I need to execute this stored procedure. Problem is that I need to pass in more than one value. At present I am passing in unitNr 37, I need to pass in a list of unit numbers. How can I do this. Thanks in advance.

    USE [Rentway]


    DECLARE @return_value int

    EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[up_Vehicle_Depreciation_Calculation]

    @UnitNr = '37'


  • Table-valued parameters

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • CELKO (8/22/2012)

    Re-write the proc to use a table valued parameter and lock yourself into proprietary MS. Or you can Google us a set of two articles I did on long parameters lists.

    Stored procedures are pretty much proprietary, no matter what system.

    correct me if I'm wrong, but you cannot even write a simple proc that does SELECT ColumnName FROM Table that is cross-DBMS compliant in ANY language. starting with data types and variable declaration, Nothing is cross compatible, as far as i know.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Re-write the proc to use a table valued parameter and lock yourself into proprietary MS. Or you can Google us a set of two articles I did on long parameters lists...

    I have some idea too:

    Let's stop use English - the proprietary of Her Majesty and Co. You are locking yourself into the language which is spoken by just few people.

    Let use standard and fully portable one: Esperanto - the most widely spoken international language. It's even approved for use by scientists (eg. recommended by the French Academy of Sciences ). And the best thing is: there are even some people who do speak it. :w00t:



    So, it-s a clear win, as when r code will need to be ported into LibraPro.Net+-DB (this will be common database system in 23th century) it will take no time at all.


    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • --The problem with your code Luiz is that it is calculating the two periods together, but the date_block (20120406) is between the second period, so I need a way of only calculating up until the date_block (20120406) . The figure of depr I need from the below sql is 3925.58, this figure is made up of 24 months at 151..45 and 2 months at 145.39 . It seems the query is not taking into account the Date_block date.

    Declare @date as datetime

    set @date ='20120731'

    DECLARE @vehicle TABLE (

    unitnr int,

    value decimal( 18, 8), --changed the data type

    date_block datetime, --changed the data type

    type_fleet char(2), --added column

    platenr char(9)) --added column

    DECLARE @Vehicle_Depreciations TABLE (

    Start_Date datetime,

    End_Date datetime,

    Vehicle_Depreciation_Value decimal( 18, 8), --changed the data type

    unitnr int)

    --Changed ALL dates format

    INSERT @Vehicle

    SELECT 29, 8057.85, '20120406', 'of', '08D12345'

    INSERT @Vehicle_Depreciations

    SELECT '20100301', '20120229' ,151.45,29 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20120301', '20140801' ,145.39, 29

    select 'For Sale' as Type,





    --vd.Start_Date, --If you uncomment this fields, you'll get a detail for each depreciation period


    v.Date_Block ,


    sum(CASE WHEN vd.END_DATE >@DATE--checks if end_date is greater than the date passed

    THEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,DATEADD(day,1,@DATE))--determines the months of depreciation from start_date till date passed

    WHEN vd.END_DATE > v.Date_Block-- checks if end_date is past Date_Blocked for sale

    THEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,v.Date_Block) --if so, then determines the months of depreciation from start_Date till dat_blocked

    ELSE DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,vd.END_DATE+1) END * vd.Vehicle_Depreciation_Value )AS depr --determines the months of depreciation between start_date and end_date

    from @vehicle v inner join @Vehicle_Depreciations vd on v.unitnr = vd.UnitNr

    WHERE v.Date_Block is not null

    group by v.unitnr, v.value, v.Date_Block,v.platenr, v.Type_Fleet

  • As already mentioned table valued parameters are a great tool here, but if you want a simpler input (but more work at the proc level) XML or comma delimited strings are usable too. I'd avoid XML unless you have value pairs (ie: are passing rows, not values) but the comma delimited string along with the delimitedstring8k (search this site for it) will give you a table valued function that'll split it down for you to use as a joined table to restrict the results.

    - Craig Farrell

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  • sorry posted on wrong thread. with previous post

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