Passing number of rows to be returned as a SP parameter

  • Hi all.

    I have a stored proc which currently return the top 4 rows from a view. What im looking to find out is if it possible to pass the number of rows to be returned as a parameter to the SP?

    Currently i tried:

    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[uspSearchProduct]


    @ParentProductID int = NULL

    ,@ReturnNumber int = NULL









    SELECT TOP @ReturnNumber feProduct.ProductID, etc etc etc

    however it complains about this.

    Any ideas guys and girls?

    Many thanks.

  • You have to put your parameter in side parentheses (e.g. SELECT TOP (@ReturnNumber ) feProduct.ProductID, etc etc etc)


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  • Brilliant stuff.

    Thanks for the swift reply. Much appreciated.

  • Adi Cohn (1/26/2009)

    You have to put your parameter in side parentheses (e.g. SELECT TOP (@ReturnNumber ) feProduct.ProductID, etc etc etc)


    hey my friend.

    OK i tried that and it generates the proc without error, however when i run it i get the folowing error:

    Error : TOP clause contains an invalid value.


  • Check if you passed NULL to the procedure.


    To know how to ask questions and increase the chances of getting asnwers:

    For better answers on performance questions, click on the following...

  • ... or a negative number or something that won't convert to an INT.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
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  • And that you're using 2005 or above. (Different error message if you're on 2K, but figured it was worth mentioning for anyone else who might read this and try to replicate it.) This won't work on SQL 2K. You need to use SET ROWCOUNT instead.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Hi guys. Still cant get to the bottom of this. This is how im calling the SP:

    exec [uspSearchProduct] @ListID=23,@OrderBy=N'Price',@OrderByDESC=1,@Page=0,@Pages=@p5 output,@RowsPerPage=10,@SearchString=N''

    Definitely an integer value being passed.

    Thanks again.

  • Can't tell... not enough information. You need to prove to yourself that you're passing something besides a null or a negative number for pages, pages, and rows per page. It would be handy if you posted the whole stored procedure.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (1/27/2009)

    Can't tell... not enough information. You need to prove to yourself that you're passing something besides a null or a negative number for pages, pages, and rows per page. It would be handy if you posted the whole stored procedure.

    Hi there, thanks for the reply. The SP in full is:




    CREATE Procedure [dbo].[uspSearchProduct]

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Parameters, All Paramaters are Optional

    -- ** The Product.ID will be returned

    -- ****************************************************************************************


    @ParentProductID int = NULL

    ,@SKU varchar(50) = NULL

    ,@Name Varchar(150) = NULL

    ,@Option int = NULL

    ,@Errors bit = NULL

    ,@ClassificationID_CSV1 Varchar(300) = NULL

    ,@ClassificationID_CSV2 Varchar(300) = NULL

    ,@ClassificationID_CSV3 Varchar(300) = NULL

    ,@ListID int = NULL

    ,@ListType int = NULL

    ,@ReturnNumber int = NULL

    -- ,@Specification int = NULL

    -- ,@SpecificationValue varchar(20) = NULL

    ,@SearchString Varchar(100) = NULL

    ,@FullTextSearch bit = 1

    ,@BundleProduct bit = NULL

    ,@StockAvailable bit = NULL

    ,@Currency int = NULL

    ,@FromPrice money = NULL

    ,@ToPrice money = NULL

    ,@OrderBy varchar(20) = 'Name'

    ,@OrderByDESC bit = 0

    ,@RowsPerPage int = 20 OUTPUT

    ,@Page int = 1 OUTPUT

    ,@Pages int = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@Rows int = NULL OUTPUT

    -- Standard Return Parameters, and LoginID

    ,@ParentAuditTrailID int = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ErrorLogID int = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ModuleName Varchar(256) = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ModuleVersion Varchar(10) = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ErrorLine int = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@Error int = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000) = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ErrorDisplay Varchar(8000) = NULL OUTPUT

    ,@ErrorTypeName varchar(60) = NULL OUTPUT

    -- Standard @ID Parameter (ID for applicable table)

    ,@ID int = NULL OUTPUT

    -- Standard Row Count Parameters

    ,@RowsSelected int = 0 OUTPUT

    ,@RowsUpdated int = 0 OUTPUT

    ,@RowsDeleted int = 0 OUTPUT

    ,@RowsInserted int = 0 OUTPUT

    -- Standard Performance Parameters

    ,@Milliseconds int = 0 OUTPUT

    -- Standard Login Parameter

    ,@LoginID int = NULL



    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Initialise

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    DECLARE @FirstRow int

    DECLARE @LastRow int

    DECLARE @ParsedString varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @StartTime datetime

    DECLARE @CR Char(1)

    SET @CR = Char(13)

    SET @StartTime = GetDate()

    Set @ModuleName=OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID);

    Set @ModuleVersion='2007.03.23'

    Set @ID = NULL

    Set @Error = 0

    If @LoginID IS NULL SET @LoginID = dbo.const_DefaultLogin()Set @Error = 0

    If @SearchString IS NOT NULL


    EXEC uspFixFullTextSearchString @TheKeywords=@SearchString,

    @proximity='near', @ParsedString=@ParsedString OUTPUT


    --Print (@ParsedString)

    If @Currency IS NULL

    SET @Currency = dbo.const_Currency_PoundsSterling()

    If @ListID IS NULL AND @ListType IS NOT NULL

    SELECT Top 1 @ListID = ID

    FROM List WHERE ListType = @ListType


    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Create Temp Table to hold search result ProductID

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    CREATE TABLE #SearchResults (ID int IDENTITY(1,1), ProductID int, OrderBy Varchar(20))


    --CREATE INDEX [ix_ProductID] ON #SearchResults (ProductID ASC)

    --SET @Milliseconds = DateDiff(ms, @StartTime, GetDate())

    --PRINT ('Created Temp Table : ' + Convert(varchar(20), @Milliseconds) + 'ms')

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Insert the selected Products into the Search results Temp Table

    -- ** Build OrderBy colum based on Case Statement

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    INSERT INTO #SearchResults (ProductID, OrderBy)

    SELECT TOP (@ReturnNumber) feProduct.ProductID,

    --SELECT TOP 4 feProduct.ProductID,

    CASE WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%Name%' THEN Left(Name, 20)

    WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%Price%' THEN Right('00000000000000000000' + Convert(Varchar(20), ISNULL(feProduct.FromPrice, 0)), 20)

    WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%ID%' THEN Right('00000000000000000000' + Convert(Varchar(20), feProduct.ProductID), 20)

    WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%SKU%' THEN Left(SKU, 20)

    WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%Random%' THEN Left(NewID(), 20)

    WHEN @OrderBy LIKE '%Sequence%' THEN Right('00000000000000000000' + Convert(Varchar(20), ISNULL(Sequence,0)), 20)

    END as OrderBy

    FROM feProduct WITH (READPAST)

    left join feProductHREF_BalconyShirts href on feproduct.productid=href.productid AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV1 IS NULL) OR (href.categoryl1 in (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV1, ','))) AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV2 IS NULL) OR href.categoryl1 in (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV2, ','))) AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV3 IS NULL) OR href.categoryl1 in (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV3, ','))))

    WHERE (feProduct.LevelType = dbo.const_ProductLevelType_Product() OR feProduct.LevelType = dbo.const_ProductLevelType_GiftVoucher())

    AND (@ParentProductID IS NULL OR ParentProductID=@ParentProductID)

    AND (@SKU IS NULL OR SKU LIKE '%' + @SKU + '%')

    AND (@Name IS NULL OR Name LIKE '%' + @Name + '%')

    AND (@Option IS NULL OR Option1=@Option OR Option2=@Option OR Option3=@Option OR Option4=@Option OR Option5=@Option)

    AND (@Currency IS NULL OR (feProduct.Currency = @Currency))

    AND (@FromPrice IS NULL OR (@FromPrice <= feProduct.FromPrice))

    AND (@ToPrice IS NULL OR (@ToPrice >= feProduct.FromPrice))

    AND (@BundleProduct IS NULL OR (@BundleProduct = 1 AND BundleItems > 0) OR (@BundleProduct = 0 AND BundleItems = 0))

    AND (@StockAvailable IS NULL OR (@StockAvailable = 1 AND StockAvailable > 0) OR (@StockAvailable = 0 AND StockAvailable = 0))

    AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV1 IS NULL)

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT vProductClassification.ProductID

    FROM vProductClassification WITH (READPAST)

    WHERE (@ClassificationID_CSV1 IS NULL OR

    ClassificationID IN (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV1, ','))))))

    AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV2 IS NULL)

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT vProductClassification.ProductID

    FROM vProductClassification WITH (READPAST)

    WHERE (@ClassificationID_CSV2 IS NULL OR

    ClassificationID IN (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV2, ','))))))

    AND ((@ClassificationID_CSV3 IS NULL)

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT vProductClassification.ProductID

    FROM vProductClassification WITH (READPAST)

    WHERE (@ClassificationID_CSV3 IS NULL OR

    ClassificationID IN (SELECT Convert(int, [Value])

    FROM dbo.udfSplitCSV (@ClassificationID_CSV3, ','))))))

    AND ((@ListID IS NULL)

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT ListProduct.ProductID

    FROM ListProduct WITH (READPAST)

    WHERE @ListID IS NULL OR ListProduct.ListID = @ListID

    AND ListProduct.ToDate IS NULL)))

    AND ((@SearchString IS NULL OR @FullTextSearch = 0)

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT ProductNote.ProductID

    FROM ProductNote WITH (READPAST)

    INNER JOIN tblNote ON tblNote.ID = ProductNote.NoteID

    AND CONTAINS (NoteText, @ParsedString)

    AND tblNote.Deleted = 0

    AND (tblNote.ExpiryDate > GetDate() OR tblNote.ExpiryDate IS NULL)))

    -- OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    -- (SELECT ProductClassification.ProductID

    -- FROM ProductClassification

    -- INNER JOIN Classification ON Classification.ID = ProductClassification.ClassificationID

    -- AND Classification.Deleted = 0

    -- INNER JOIN ClassificationNote ON ClassificationNote.ClassificationID = Classification.ID

    -- INNER JOIN tblNote ON tblNote.ID = ClassificationNote.NoteID

    -- AND CONTAINS (NoteText, @ParsedString)

    -- AND tblNote.Deleted = 0

    -- AND (tblNote.ExpiryDate > GetDate() OR tblNote.ExpiryDate IS NULL)))

    OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    (SELECT vListProduct_Today.ProductID

    FROM vListProduct_Today

    WHERE vListProduct_Today.ListName LIKE '%' + @SearchString + '%'))

    --OR (feProduct.ProductID IN

    --(SELECT feProductSpecification.ProductID

    -- FROM feProductSpecification

    -- WHERE [Value] LIKE '%' + @SearchString + '%'))

    OR ('[' + IsNull(Convert(Varchar(20), feProduct.ProductID), '') + ']['+

    IsNull(Convert(Varchar(20), feProduct.ConversionID), '') + ']['+

    IsNull(feProduct.SKU, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.BrandName, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductHREF, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductOption1Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductOption2Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductOption3Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductOption4Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.ProductOption5Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Option1Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Option2Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Option3Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Option4Name, '') + ' ' +

    IsNull(feProduct.Option5Name, '') + ' '

    LIKE '%' + @SearchString + '%')


    --ORDER BY 2,1

    ORDER BY NewID()

    Set @Rows = @@RowCount

    Set @RowsSelected = IsNull(@RowsSelected, 0) + @Rows

    Set @RowsInserted = IsNull(@RowsInserted, 0) + @Rows

    --SET @Milliseconds = DateDiff(ms, @StartTime, GetDate())

    --PRINT ('Built Temp Table : ' + Convert(varchar(20), @Milliseconds) + 'ms')

    --Select * from #SearchResults

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Get some info from the Temp Search Table, Set Pages, Page etc

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    If (@RowsPerPage <= 0) OR (@RowsPerPage IS NULL) SET @RowsPerPage = 20

    SET @Pages = ((@Rows - 1) / @RowsPerPage) + 1

    If @Page < 1 SET @Page = 1

    If @Page > @Pages SET @Page = @Pages

    If @OrderByDESC = 0


    SET @FirstRow = 1 + (@RowsPerPage * (@Page - 1))

    SET @LastRow = @FirstRow + @RowsPerPage - 1




    SET @LastRow = @Rows - (@RowsPerPage * (@Page - 1))

    SET @FirstRow = @LastRow - @RowsPerPage + 1


    -- ****************************************************************************************

    -- ** Select from Temp Table, Join with feProductSearch and return page requested

    -- ****************************************************************************************

    If @OrderByDESC = 0


    SELECT ID as RowNumber, feProductSearch.[ProductID],[CategoryID],[Random],[BrandID],[BrandName],[Name],[PageTitle],[Description]

    ,[CommercialMessage],isnull([ProductHREF],'') as ProductHREF,[SearchImage],[SearchImageWidth]




    FROM #SearchResults

    INNER JOIN feProductSearch ON feProductSearch.ProductID = #SearchResults.ProductID

    WHERE #SearchResults.ID BETWEEN @FirstRow AND @LastRow

    ORDER BY #SearchResults.ID ASC

    Set @RowsSelected = IsNull(@RowsSelected, 0) + @@RowCount




    SELECT ID as RowNumber, feProductSearch.[ProductID],[CategoryID],[Random],[BrandID],[BrandName],[Name],[PageTitle],[Description]

    ,[CommercialMessage],isnull([ProductHREF],'') as ProductHREF,[SearchImage],[SearchImageWidth]




    FROM #SearchResults

    INNER JOIN feProductSearch ON feProductSearch.ProductID = #SearchResults.ProductID

    WHERE #SearchResults.ID BETWEEN @FirstRow AND @LastRow

    ORDER BY #SearchResults.ID DESC

    Set @RowsSelected = IsNull(@RowsSelected, 0) + @@RowCount


    --SET @Milliseconds = DateDiff(ms, @StartTime, GetDate())

    --PRINT ('Almost Finished : ' + Convert(varchar(20), @Milliseconds) + 'ms')

    DROP TABLE #SearchResults


    -- ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    -- ** Catch any Errors and Log them

    -- ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************


    SET @Error = @@error

    SET @ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE()

    SET @ErrorMessage = Replace(ERROR_MESSAGE(), '''', '')


    EXEC @ErrorLogID=uspLogError


    @ModuleSystem='Stored Procedure',







    @ErrorTypeName='Select Error',

    @ErrorDisplay=@ErrorDisplay OUTPUT,

    @RowsSelected=@RowsSelected OUTPUT,@RowsUpdated=@RowsUpdated OUTPUT,

    @RowsDeleted=@RowsDeleted OUTPUT,@RowsInserted=@RowsInserted OUTPUT

    SET @Milliseconds = DateDiff(ms, @StartTime, GetDate())

    RETURN -1


    -- ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    -- ** Standard Return, Calculate MilliSeconds and return with @Error (Should be 0)

    -- ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    SET @Milliseconds = DateDiff(ms, @StartTime, GetDate())

    Return @Error

  • NULL is not a valid value for TOP, so you either need to change your parameter initialization, i.e.

    ,@ReturnNumber int = 1

    Or change your SELECT statement, i.e.

    SELECT TOP (ISNULL(@ReturnNumber, 1)) feProduct.ProductID,

    Of course, you may want to use a different value other than 1 depending on your application.


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

  • Brilliant. That's fixed it.

    Thanks very much 🙂

  • No problem, I'm happy I could help! 🙂


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

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