Passing String example "10013,10014,10015" in Stored Procedure

  • Hi All,

    I want to pass string value in a stored proc and use it as integer

    i.e i want to get the data that belongs to different cities in a single proc

    CREATE Proc usp_GetTotalRecords

    @iisrid int,

    @iuserid int,

    @sPregionCities int,

    @iCampid int,

    @iTotalrecord int Output


    --Select data From All Campaign


    Select @iTotalrecord=count(*) from customermaster P

    where p.icustomerid in

    (select top 500 icustomerid from prospectsmaster where ((iprospstatus=6 and iReason not in (2,3,8) or iprospstatus=3)

    and iisrid=@iisrid and icityid in (@sPregionCities) and iuserid=@iuserid))

    return @iTotalrecord

    the variable @sPregionCities has value "10013,10014"


  • Have a look at how to use a Numbers table

    You can extract the comma delimeted values and insert them into a table variable then use the table variable throughout your procedure

  • I completely Concur with Johannes's solution where you just need to use a function that returns all values after applying the comma delimiting logic and insert the same into a temp table or a table variable and include in clause over values in the temp table.

    The second option is using dynamic sql which is not recommended and not advised inview of sql injection issues and performance contraints however if you intend to take a look at it. you can try out this.

    ALTER Proc usp_GetTotalRecords

    @iisrid int,

    @iuserid int,

    @sPregionCities varchar(100),

    @iCampid int


    --Select data From All Campaign



    SET @strSQL = 'Select count(*) AS iTotalrecord from customermaster P

    where p.icustomerid in

    (select top 500 icustomerid from prospectsmaster where ((iprospstatus=6 and iReason not in (2,3,8) or iprospstatus=3)

    and iisrid=' + CAST(@iisrid AS VARCHAR) + ' and icityid in (' + @sPregionCities + ') and iuserid=' + CAST(@iuserid AS VARCHAR) + '))'

    EXEC (@strSQL)


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Here is how you can accomplish Prasad's first reccomendation:

    CREATE Proc usp_GetTotalRecords

    @iisrid int,

    @iuserid int,

    @sPregionCities varchar(200),

    @iCampid int,

    @iTotalrecord int Output


    declare @iStart int,

    @iPos int

    declare @tblArray (iZip int)

    IF RIGHT(@sPregionCities, 1) <> ','

    SET @sPregionCities = @sPregionCities + ','

    SET @iStart = int

    SET @iPos = CHARINDEX(',', @sPregionCities, @iStart)

    WHILE @iPos > 0


    INSERT INTO @tblArray

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@sPregionCities, @iStart, @iPos - @iStart)

    SET @iStart = @iPos + 1

    SET @iPos = CHARINDEX(',', @sPregionCities, @iStart)


    --Select data From All Campaign

    Select @iTotalrecord = count(*)

    from customermaster P

    where p.icustomerid in (select top 500 icustomerid

    from prospectsmaster pm

    where ((iprospstatus=6 and iReason not in (2,3,8) or iprospstatus=3)

    and iisrid=@iisrid

    and EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM @tblArray WHERE iZip = pm.icityid)

    and iuserid=@iuserid))

    return @iTotalrecord

  • thanks,

    is array is supported in SQL server 2000.


  • No, arrays are not supported. He is using a table variable and he just happened to use the word array in the table variable name. I would recommend creating numbers table as previously suggested and then creating a split function. You can get many examples of working split functions by searching the script area of SSC. Many of them use procedureal logic to do the split, but here's the one I use that takes advantage of the numbers table.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_Split (@parmString VARCHAR(8000), @parmDelim varchar(10))



    RETURN (

    SELECT Num,


    CASE Num

    WHEN 1 THEN 1

    ELSE Num + 1


    CASE CHARINDEX(@parmdelim, @parmString, Num + 1)

    WHEN 0 THEN LEN(@parmString) - Num + 1

    ELSE CHARINDEX(@parmdelim, @parmString, Num + 1) - Num -


    WHEN Num > 1 THEN 1

    ELSE 0



    ))) AS ListItem

    FROM dbo.Numbers

    WHERE Num <= LEN(@parmString)

    AND (SUBSTRING(@parmString, Num, 1) = @parmdelim

    OR Num = 1)

    Then simply use the function as a table in your code.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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