Past examples of inefficient administration

  • The frustrating thing about programming is that every so often you realise that you have done things in an increadibly inefficient way.  If only I knew or changed my mind set earlier I could have saved so much time.  The big examples I have of this are:

    Not realising the SQL Query analyser enables you to generate SQL scripts for individual objects, through the object brower.  I must have lost weeks by not making full use of this from the start.

    Not sufficiciently breaking up my SPROCS early enough.  I now hold my SPROCS in serveral visual studio open instances (if you know what I mean).  This is ideal for sub grouping sprocs and performing search and find tasks.  It also quickened processing times as I have more SPROCS that can be conditionally activated.

    Not organising my 'development', 'running' and 'quick test' versions of the analytical database properly.  This is a bit involved and requires clear rules about what you can do to each database.  But still, I must of wasted so much time by not doing this earlier.

    Also, I don't think that I discovered this web site early enough.  Again, this has probably cost me in time.


    Do other people have example like these? 



  • This is not exclusive to administration - my big one is organizing the code I've written. I've (recently, unfortunately) gotten into the habit of saving all of the T-SQL "scratch" work I do into a sort of daily or weekly log file or files so I can go back and look at the interesting tidbits I uncovered accidentally while solving an unrelated problem, or even so I don't have to reinvent the wheel if I decide to restart or close all of my Management Studio windows.


  • I've recently started to do that as well.  Actually I have extended Microsoft Outlook's tasks list system to do this.  It works quite well.

  • could you explain what you mean by "extend(ing) Microsoft Outlook's tasks list system"?  There may be others (me?) that may want to do this as well.

    -- Cory

  • Nothing sophisticated.  When I set myself tasks I paste in the SQL solution to the task sheet and then move it to a specified folder that holds SQL solutions (within Microsoft outlook).  Instead of extending the Microsoft Outlook capabilities I should say make full use of Microsoft capabilities.

  • Your not alone in this regard.   My parents always said I was "A dollar short and a day late". And on my own have learned the truth of an old German statement "Too soon old, Too late smart"  For all the goodies I now run across here at this site and develope on my own at work, mostly SPs, Triggers and Functions ... have set up my own SQL database named Tips_and_Tricks and paste every item into it and make an entry into a simple table that has a couple of columns for key words, and of course the name of the SP / Trigger / Function and a text field where in I can type a short description of what the object can and does do.  In this way can quickly recover items ...

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • I’ve thought of some more:


    The quicker you learn to treat your brain as the most precious piece of hardware available the better.  That means.  No cigarettes, no caffeine, no late nights, no alcohol, no heavy contact sports but plenty of exercise and also plenty of fish oils as well as a balanced diet.  Also, use industrial strength ear muffs as they help no end with concentration in the office. 

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