PATINDEX to split a column into multiple columns

  • Hi,

    I am trying to split a column into multiple columns in sql 2008. This is what I have:


    (interests VARCHAR(99)


    INSERT into ints VALUES ('skiiing, diving, driving' ),

    ('read, talk' ),

    ('swim, drive, walk, sleep' ),

    ('talk' );

    I want to split the column into 4 separate columns (interest_1……interest_4) as shown:

    Interest_1 Interest_2 Interest_3 Interest_4

    skiing diving driving NULL

    read talk NULL NULL

    swim drive walk Sleep


    I am trying to use PATINDEX:

    alter table ints

    add int1 varchar(20);

    update ints

    set int1 = SUBSTRING (interests,1,PATINDEX ('%,%',interests));

    But I do not get a value for the last (4th) row as show below:

    interests interest_1

    -------------------------------------------- -------------

    skiiing, diving, driving skiiing,

    read, talk read,

    swim, drive, walk, sleep swim,

    talk NULL

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Homework?

    You don't get value because pattern you've specified for PATINDEX doesn't match the data in the 4th row - there is no comma.

    --Vadim R.

  • I am doing this out of the top of my head and haven't tried this code, but something like :


    set int1 = SUBSTRING (interests,1,PATINDEX ('%,%',interests));


    set int1 = SUBSTRING (interests+',empty,empty,empty,empty',1,PATINDEX ('%,%',interests+',empty,empty,empty,empty'));

    I am not sure of the number of comma's and the number of empties, but something similar might solve your problem.

    Please let us hear if this helps or not.

    Ben brugman

  • thanks, works good

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