PC anywhere services in the server where SQL server is installed

  • Dear All,

    The PC anywhere services on our live server are getting hung quite often.I spoke to our system administrator & he said it could be a memory problem.

    If am not wrong, we need to restrict the SQL max. memory to be used. So that other applications can run on this machine SQL memory is set to max. of 6144 and AWE option is enalbled

    on the server.

    Is this settings proper.? What are the things I need to check.? What could be the other problems..?. Kindly help me to sort out this problem.

    Server configurations are as follows.

    intel xeon - cpu - 3ghz

    RAM - 8 gb ram

    OS - windows 2003 R2 - 64bit - Enterprize Edition

    Thanks in advance.

    Santhosh Nair.

  • Some versions of PC Anywhere are REALLY resource intensive. Make sure you are running the latest version if you have to run it at all.

    My suggestion would be to get that off of the server entirely. Why would you need it? You have MS Terminal Services / RDP available, it is native to the OS, and it will tend to cause less problems.

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