PDF image on database

  • I don't know if this is possible.

    I am trying to build an stored procedure that will insert a PDF on an image column just with SQL, is it possible?

    The parameter on my stored procedure will be the path of the file.

    I am trying to avoid the use of coding in other software like VB or C#, just SQL.

    Thanks for your responses.

  • Cannot be done with SQL itself. You will have to have a tier to stream the data in.

  • In the future, when your server is upgraded to SQL Server 2005 or later, you could use OPENROWSET(BULK ....


    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • We did it in SQL2000 like this (you need system admin permissions):


      @SRVNAME =  'ServerName',

      @LOGIN =      'Login',

      @PASSWORD =   'password',

      @DBNAME =     'DatabaseName',

      @TBNAME =     'TableName',

      @COLNAME =    'ColumnName',

      @FILENAME =   'Full UNC starting with \\',

      @WHERECLAUSE =  " WHERE TableKey = 12345", --specific row in the table

      @DIRECTION =  'I'


    -- You can use the following stored procedure to simplify the using of textcopy.exe utility:

    -- Created by Mike Fritz of Countrywide fame


     @SRVNAME     VARCHAR (30), -- Server Name

     @LOGIN       VARCHAR (30), -- Login Name

     @PASSWORD    VARCHAR (30), -- Password

     @DBNAME      VARCHAR (30), -- Database Name

     @TBNAME      VARCHAR (30), -- Table Name

     @COLNAME     VARCHAR (30), -- Column Name

     @FILENAME    VARCHAR (255), -- File Name

     @WHERECLAUSE VARCHAR (40), -- Where Clause (See notes below)

     @DIRECTION   CHAR(1))      -- Direction (ie: (I)nput or (O)utput)




               ' /U ' + @login +

               ' /P ' + @PASSWORD +

               ' /D ' + @DBNAME +

               ' /T ' + @TBNAME +

               ' /C ' + @COLNAME +

               ' /W "' + @WHERECLAUSE +

               '" /F ' + @FILENAME +

               ' /' + @DIRECTION


    /* This is the example to copy image into SQL Server database pubs, table pub_info,

     column name logo from picture.bmp file where pub_id='0736':

     sp_textcopy @srvname = 'ServerName',

                 @login = 'Login',

                 @password = 'Password',

                 @dbname = 'pubs',

                 @tbname = 'pub_info',

                 @colname = 'logo',

                 @filename = 'c:\picture.bmp',

                 @whereclause = " WHERE pub_id='0736' ",

                 @direction = 'I'

     By the way, you should insert something into text/image column BEFORE copying text/image into it.

     This value should not be null. You should write (for example):

     INSERT INTO [dbo].[images] VALUES ('1', 0x0, null) before you run usp_TEXTCOPY

     instead of:

     INSERT INTO [dbo].[images] VALUES ('1', null, null)

     Otherwise, you will get the following error message:

     ERROR: Text or image pointer and timestamp retrieval failed.


    Copies a single text or image value into or out of SQL Server. The value

    is a specified text or image 'column' of a single row (specified by the

    "where clause") of the specified 'table'.

    If the direction is IN (/I) then the data from the specified 'file' is

    copied into SQL Server, replacing the existing text or image value. If the

    direction is OUT (/O) then the text or image value is copied from

    SQL Server into the specified 'file', replacing any existing file.

    TEXTCOPY [/S [sqlserver]] [/U [login]] [/P [password]]

      [/D [database]] [/T table] [/C column] [/W"where clause"]

      [/F file] [{/I | /O}] [/K chunksize] [/Z] [/?]

      /S sqlserver       The SQL Server to connect to. If 'sqlserver' is not

                         specified, the local SQL Server is used.

      /U login           The login to connect with. If 'login' is not specified,

                         a trusted connection will be used.

      /P password        The password for 'login'. If 'password' is not

                         specified, a NULL password will be used.

      /D database        The database that contains the table with the text or

                         image data. If 'database' is not specified, the default

                         database of 'login' is used.

      /T table           The table that contains the text or image value.

      /C column          The text or image column of 'table'.

      /W "where clause"  A complete where clause (including the WHERE keyword)

                         that specifies a single row of 'table'.

      /F file            The file name.

      /I                 Copy text or image value into SQL Server from 'file'.

      /O                 Copy text or image value out of SQL Server into 'file'.

      /K chunksize       Size of the data transfer buffer in bytes. Minimum

                         value is 1024 bytes, default value is 4096 bytes.

      /Z                 Display debug information while running.

      /?                 Display this usage information and exit.

    You will be prompted for any required options you did not specify.




  • Thanks all for your reply, I will try this last one.

  • We did this too, but automated it in a SP so that we could pass the filename etc.

    it's a solution, but I prefer to stream them in wherever possible.

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