peer to peer repllication

  • Hi All,

    Can we replicate all the tables from one node to another in peer to peer transactional replication. Also at any given point of time can a end user perform queries on both the nodes?

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -- John Quincy Adams

  • Sapen (11/9/2011)

    Hi All,

    Can we replicate all the tables from one node to another in peer to peer transactional replication. Also at any given point of time can a end user perform queries on both the nodes?

    If all the tables have keys, yes.

    Not sure what you mean by the secomd question. Users can query any server they can connect to if they have been granted permissions. You could also link the servers.

    Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, since 1955.
  • Can we replicate all the tables from one node to another in peer to peer transactional replication.


    Also at any given point of time can a end user perform queries on both the nodes?


    Additional Information that might be helpful to you.

    • Catalog queries and other reads are spread across multiple nodes. This enables performance to remain consistent as reads increase.

    • If one of the nodes in the system fails, an application layer can redirect the writes for that node to another node. This maintains availability.

    • If a node requires maintenance or the whole system requires an upgrade, each node can be taken offline and added back to the system without affecting the availability of the application.

    We strongly recommend that write operations for each row be performed at only node, for the following reasons:

    • If a row is modified at more than one node, it can cause a conflict or even a lost update when the row is propagated to other nodes.

    • There is always some latency involved when changes are replicated. For applications that require the latest change to be seen immediately, dynamically load balancing the application across multiple nodes can be problematic.

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