Perf Counters gone after using domain account

  • As crazy as it sounds, it was fine before I changed the Server account from local to a domain account. This is the 4th server it has happened to me on. When I go to setup alerts there is no SQL server performance condition alerts. Something wiped the sysperfinfo table on me. All the SQL servers are 2000 SP3 they run on either W2K or W3K.

    Barring a resolution to this problem, is there a way to the counters back? Would service packing it work?



  • This happens if SQL Server is restarted while System Monitor is open. You probably also have an error message in the error log that says something about failing to access shared memory or similar. Close sysmon and then restart the server.

  • Chris,

    I did find that error. I will try that, thanks



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