Performance Monitoring

  • I am looking to do some basic performance monitoring on my sQL Server 2000 instance and I THINK sql profiler will help me with this.. but I've never used it before and I can't seem to figure out which kind of trace to do to give me Server statistics like utilization, # of transactions and turnaround time, etc... can anyone help, or maybe point me towards a good 3rd party solution?

  • There are quite a few third party tools out there like Spotlight from Quest Software and NetIQ's suite of tools. However, you can do a lot of it yourself using Profiler and PerfMon. A few good books:

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook - by Ken England

    SQL Server 2000 Performance Tuning - Microsoft Press

    Of course, I'll shamelessly plug my eBook as well.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager, was SQL Probe, and is on its thrid owner now, is one of the best tools I've seen and one I've used for the last 6 odd years ( in three different companies )

    It has far less impact on your server then spotlight for instance.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • are you talking about sql diag manager from idera??

    I download an eval version yesterday - nice tool but i can't figure out how to make it generate reports.

  • yup that's the one - ours comes from NET IQ who I think have sold it on to Idera. Reports are available from the drop down lists under the server name on the LH side. It can be a fiddle to work out how they work, certainly not the easiest to work out - we normally export to text and import into excel.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • wonderfull! looks like a pretty slick tool!!

    thanks everyone for your help and input!

  • We use DBArtisan Workbench from Embarcadero and have the Performance Analyst option for monitoring.  DBArtisan is much better than Enterprise Manager for normal stuff, plus Performance Analyst has a lot of nice features and functions.  Works for us... 

  • My boss has a couple of temporary licenses for the embarcadaro software.. he's setting up a demo for the powers-that-be to try and get them to buy it.. I told him we'de be better off having a bake sale to raise the money for it !!!!

    basically what i was looking for were some tricks or tools so a quick snapshot of how the server is performing during peak hours.. I'm trying to get some databases moved to our cluster but some stubborn developers are saying the server is too slow or bogged down when i know that is not the case... Thanks again1!!!

  • Ah well that's a whole new ball game!! Performance monitoring / trending is a different matter really - it's something I do but you need a history of data to establish a trend to illustrate the finer points of performance changes etc.

    I collect hourly averages of variou stats, transactions per second per database, lock timeouts, reads, etc. etc.  I also run profiler traces which collect data on all sql being sent to the server and the execution/duration of the commands + I scan for blocking locks written to a table - I can then put all that data together ( I only run the profiler traces when I need to capture sets of data for specific reasons - it does give me the ability to replay sql against a test server to examine poor performance and look to improving performance )

    SQL diagnostic manager will generally do what you require but really you need to know what you intend to achieve before the event. It's fine for developers to make sweeping statements ( we all do this at times ) throw it back at them and ask them to illustrate how they come to their conclusions !!

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Ha!  I know what you mean about the $$$ thing.  Funny how mgmt wants us to constantly take on more servers and databases, but not give us any tools to manage the added workload.  Wears me out.  Anyway, if you get lucky with the embarcadero stuff, you'll also like the capacity analyst component of DBArtisan.  It does the collection, trending and forecasting of storage and performance stats so you can track everything you want.  Good luck. 

  • Thank you all. I think between the sql diag tool, DBArtisan and NT Perf monitor, i can gather what I need. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the Embarcadaro thing.. it's a sweet tool for SQL Server AND Oracle.. Thanks again.

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