performance problem - sql server 2005 x64 version - memory allocation - need more information

  • Hi All,

    Our server is having x64 sql server 2005 with build no: 2047.

    Processor: AMD opteron processor(2 in numbers) 2.61GHZ           Memory: 4.83GB

    In sql server setting,

    min memory = 0MB       Max memory = 2147483647MB

    The server was rebuilded from earlier crash. Some days back users were saying the sql agent jobs and sql server performance was very low. We checked in the task manager sql server.exe was using 63MB and overall PF utilization was 4.3GB. We also setup performance counter and found the sql server counters like buffer cache hit ratio were normal.

    Then found an article saying that in 64 bit version AWE option is not needed and need to add 'local pages in memory' option inorder to make the sql server running out of paging with OS. We enabled 'local pages in memory' for the sql server account and rebooted server.

    After enabling 'local pages in memory' in  sql server log we found the below messages,

    2 processor(s) and 4952 MB RAM detected

    Earlier memory information is not captured in sql server log.

    Now in task manager sql server.exe is using 85MB and PF utilization is 670MB. PF utilization is dropped very much from 4.5GB to 670MB.

    Below is the boot.ini info,

    [boot loader]



    [operating systems]

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect

    We didn't enable /3b and /pae. we are not sure sql server is using maximum memory effectively and the performance of the sql server is improved or not.

    Anyone please help whether that the memory is apt for the server performance and also inform me that we are missing something.






  • You need to include the /3GB switch so that sql server can utilise more than 2GB of RAM else it will use only the default 1.7GB that it can use.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi,

    Is this necessary to enable /3gb option in boot.ini file in 64bit version.

    can AWE option can make the sql server to use more than 3gb of physical memory.

    But i read from an article that in 64bit version awe option is not needed to enable and it is better to enable lock pages in memory option.

    We enabled lock pages in memory and can some one confirm that as of now how much memory sql server can use.



  • Wat's the edition of SQL server. If it is Standard Edition it cannot go beyond 2GB.  Where as on Enterprise edition can take more than 2 gb of ram if added with /3gb switch.

  • SQL Server 2005 standard edition has no RAM max:

    (Well the max of the OS)

  • Hi Parthipan,

    There seems to be some confusion over 32-bit vs. 64-bit architectures.  You do not want to do either 3gb or PAE.  There is not a 4 GB virtual memory limitation with 64 bit architecture, which 3GB would change.  Also, PAE allows for 36-bit memory addressing, which is only relevant on 32-bit processor architectures.  With 4 GB of RAM, try setting a min memory setting and see if SQL picks it up.  Other things you may want to look at is the physical memory used in the OS as opposed to what it shows in the task manager processes part.  You may find that SQL is taking more memory than it shows, due to the type of memory allocation it does.  Other than that, I don't believe you are missing anything...



  • Hi All,

    Thank you for your valuable inputs.

    what is the minimum memory can we set in the sql server properties. As of now we configuref

    min memory = 0MB       Max memory = 2147483647MB and Total Physical RAM=4.83GB

    and in the task manager sql server.exe is taking 85MB memory and 670MB of PF utilization.


    Please enlighten me what are the memory parameters I have to look in to it.




  • Whew, the flood and drought of on-call!  There isn't too much to set up in SQL '05 64-bit.  As long as you can lock pages inmemory, only max and min server memory settings really seem relevant.  I'm not sure which DM it is, but I would check out the memory related DM views, too.  As for memory settings, try setting a min server memory (of say, 1 GB), restart SQL and see if it picks up in the SQL log.

    BTW, what kind of perf problems are you having at this point?



  •  Hi All,

    Thank you for all of your valuable techincal inputs.


    As an administrator I cannot able to find out any difference in performance of the server. But the users scheduled some application jobs which is taking much time for completion. They are comparing with earlier setup(before server crash) in which the server performance was 4 times better than the current setup.

    Now we have disabled the 'lock pages in memory'  and setup the performance counters in order to compare any performance improvement is happening by enabling 'lock pages in memory' and also by setting Min and Max memory option to apt value.

     I collected the memory related counters by running sys.dm_os_performance_counters after disabling the 'lock pages in memory'  and below are the outputs.

    Someone please check and confirm us for any abnormal counter value and also advice us how we can troubleshoot.


    Object_name counter_name cntr_value cntr_type
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Buffer cache hit ratio                                                                                                           1690 537003264
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Buffer cache hit ratio base                                                                                                      1692 1073939712
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Page lookups/sec                                                                                                                 36866692 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Free list stalls/sec                                                                                                             0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Free pages                                                                                                                       195 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Total pages                                                                                                                      30624 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Target pages                                                                                                                     462562 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Database pages                                                                                                                   24210 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Reserved pages                                                                                                                   0 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Stolen pages                                                                                                                     6219 65792
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Lazy writes/sec                                                                                                                  0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Readahead pages/sec                                                                                                              17235 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Page reads/sec                                                                                                                   24112 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Page writes/sec                                                                                                                  1065 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Checkpoint pages/sec                                                                                                             168 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         AWE lookup maps/sec                                                                                                              0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         AWE stolen maps/sec                                                                                                              0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         AWE write maps/sec                                                                                                               0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         AWE unmap calls/sec                                                                                                              0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         AWE unmap pages/sec                                                                                                              0 272696576
    SQLServer:Buffer Manager                                                                                                         Page life expectancy                                                                                                             597996 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Connection Memory (KB)                                                                                                           240 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Granted Workspace Memory (KB)                                                                                                    0 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Lock Memory (KB)                                                                                                                 4232 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Lock Blocks Allocated                                                                                                            22050 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Lock Owner Blocks Allocated                                                                                                      22050 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Lock Blocks                                                                                                                      1 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Lock Owner Blocks                                                                                                                1 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Maximum Workspace Memory (KB)                                                                                                    2688440 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Memory Grants Outstanding                                                                                                        0 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Memory Grants Pending                                                                                                            0 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Optimizer Memory (KB)                                                                                                            280 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         SQL Cache Memory (KB)                                                                                                            1720 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Target Server Memory (KB)                                                                                                        3700496 65792
    SQLServer:Memory Manager                                                                                                         Total Server Memory (KB)                                                                                                         244992 65792

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