
  • Currently, user apple can exec sp_help_job (system stored procedure) in database msdb on Server/Instance name CALFI303 but it doesn't return any records. What permissions I need to give to the User apple ? If I sign on with sa, it returns the records with no problem.

  • I guess it depends on what the SP is doing?

    select, update or delete?

    you need to view the tables permissions, and for the Apple user allow them to select, update or delete..


  • user just want to just see the list of current jobs running, right now all he see is blank, but when he go with user=sa, he sees all jobs listing

  • make him the member of targetserversrole in msdb database. Check more for targetserversrole in BOL.

    SQL DBA.

  • Sanjay,

    when I made him the member of targetserverrole, it started giving some error, though it does not list what error it is....before that it was listing blank result

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