
  • We're going to migrate to SQL 2008. So, I'm going to do BCP OUT to the local drive, copy the file over to the destination server and then I'll do a BCP IN. What rights will I need both on the source as well as the destination server?

  • Sunny,

    Maybe I don't understand your question, are you sure you want to use BCP for migration? How about creating a backup the current version of the database and restore it to the SQL 2008 server then upgrade it to 2008 (this is an option under the database in SSMS)


  • Steve Fibich (9/16/2011)


    Maybe I don't understand your question, are you sure you want to use BCP for migration? How about creating a backup the current version of the database and restore it to the SQL 2008 server then upgrade it to 2008 (this is an option under the database in SSMS)

    There's a space issue and also out of 100 huge tables only 10 will be migrated to SQL 2008. That's why I chose BCP.

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