Permissions to run a job

  • I have a domain user that runs the jobs for each database. I have a project where the Analyst have read only in the production database, but need to run on demand "job 1" of 3 that are sceduled. "job 1" runs several scripts that update various tables.

    I am looking for the permissions that would give the Analyst permission to run the job. Without opening other rights/capablities to them.

    Is it possible?



  • To give someone the capability to run scheduled tasks created a role in themsdb database and gave it these permissions, all in the msdb database. No, the only thing is that they will have permission to see all jobs and run any job they prefer, I don't know how to narrow that one down. Also, the role may not all of the permissions, I just took the role from my system, I may of increased their permission based on whatthey need.

    exec to sp_downloaded_row_limiter

    exec to sp_help_jobschedule

    exec to sp_help_jobstep

    exec to sp_sqlagent_check_msx_version

    exdc to sp_sqlagent_probe_msx

    exec to sp_sqlagent_refresh_job

    select update and del on tables


    select on sysjobs

    select update on sysjobservers

    select update on systargetservers


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    Love like you've never been hurt.

    And Dance like no one is watching.

    Work like you don't need the money.
    Love like you've never been hurt.
    And Dance like no one is watching.

  • What about giving them permission to run a SP in the production database that runs the same scripts. I would also have in the SP a means of logging who kicked it off and when it was ran so you can back track it.


  • Thanks, I will give these a try.


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