Perplexed by 2 queries that should be the same.

  • Here's another one for the Gurus out there.

    These two queries get two different numbers. I don't understand why - are they not two different ways of accomplishing the same thing?

    /*********************** Query 1 ***********************/

    Select sum(t.amount)

    from cptrans t inner join cptrans_blacklist c on t.recordid = c.recordid

    Results: -783682.7500

    /*********************** Query 2 ***********************/

    Select sum(t.amount)

    from cptrans t where t.recordid in (select distinct recordid from cptrans_blacklist)

    Results: -798 876.40

    The cptrans_blacklist table has a bunch of IDs in it that didn't pass the test. In both cases all tables are the same and its in the same db.



  • These queries are not the same. My gamble would be that you have duplicate recordid's in the cptrans_blacklist.

    If you join with the table, the record from cptrans will be duplicated.

    To yield the same result, change query 1 to :

    Select sum(t.amount)
    from cptrans t inner join (select distinct reocrdid from cptrans_blacklist) c on t.recordid = c.recordid
  • D'OH!

    Right, there are duplicate records in there, probably causing their amount to be repeated and summed again.




    These queries are not the same. My gamble would be that you have duplicate recordid's in the cptrans_blacklist.

    If you join with the table, the record from cptrans will be duplicated.

    To yield the same result, change query 1 to :

    Select sum(t.amount)
    from cptrans t inner join (select distinct reocrdid from cptrans_blacklist) c on t.recordid = c.recordid


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