perplexing problem

  • I have a table

    org_id activity_id activity_type activity score


    1 345 cert1 12

    1 345 cert2 1

    1 346 cert1 12

    1 346 cert2 1

    how can i get a table that looks like this

    org_id activity_id cert_1 cert_2


    1 345 12 1

    1 346 12 1

    any ideas?

  • trinity, could you give us some more info? Specifically, the relationship between (I think this is it) activity and cert_x and/or activity_type and cert_x? Or is it activity and score and/or activity_type and/or score?



  • we3ll i will tell you as much as i can (im under nda)with out showing you real data

    basicaly the table is formated as in the first exsample. The cert1, cert2..etc are certifacations. score is the score given

    some activites have scores for multiple certs

    some do not

    i need to see a veiw with one activity per row with all the cert scores listed under a column for each cert type. or should i say i need to cereate a view that looks like the second exsample

  • What you are loking for is called a Pivot table. In SQL The way to do this is by using CASE and GROUP BY to move the data sideways.

    With a finite number of column possiblities you can simply do.

    SUM(CASE activity_type WHEN 'cert1' THEN activity score ELSE 0 END) AS cert_1,
    SUM(CASE activity_type WHEN 'cert2' THEN activity score ELSE 0 END) AS cert_2,
    SUM(CASE activity_type WHEN 'cert3' THEN activity score ELSE 0 END) AS cert_3

    Or if unknown you might try working this script to your needs (there is an issue I received an email on but don't have in front of me or have corrected yet).

    Or the best way you can do if possilbe is to handle this in your presentation layer.

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