Pivot Tables

  • I have a table called 'warehouse_locations'. A row in the table looks like this:

    site_id location_id description

    06 18a4 18a4

    06 18a5 18a5

    I need the results to be as follows:

    location1 location2

    18a4 18a5

    I have looked at the pivot explanations and have not been successful so far. Please help

    Kindest Regards,


  • Ok, saw you edited. justa sec.

  • Sorry I accidentaly posted before I was finished writing.

    Kindest Regards,


  • CRC (8/10/2012)

    I have a table called 'warehouse_locations'. A row in the table looks like this:

    site_id location_id description

    06 18a4 18a4

    06 18a5 18a5

    I need the results to be as follows:

    location1 location2

    18a4 18a5

    I have looked at the pivot explanations and have not been successful so far. Please help

    Ok, PIVOT turns row VALUES into COLUMN headings.

    so, how do i know that location1 is 18a4 and location2 is 18a5?

    is the number of columns you expect a fixed or dynamic number?

  • The number of columns returning are dynamic. I will be selecting a range and will need them returned as one row.

    Kindest Regards,


  • I can be wrong but I think dynamic SQL with the loop is the only way:

    CREATE TABLE #Site (

    site_id CHAR(2)

    ,location_id CHAR(4)

    ,[description] VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #Site (site_id, location_id, [description])

    VALUES ('06', '18a4', '18a4'),

    ('06', '18a5', '18a5'),

    ('06', '18a6', '18a6'),

    ('06', '18a7', '18a7'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a9', '18a9')

    --SELECT * FROM #Site;

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000);

    DECLARE @i INT; SET @i = 0;

    DECLARE @location_id CHAR(4);

    CREATE TABLE #Temp (location_count INT);

    INSERT INTO #Temp(location_count) VALUES(0);


    SET @i = @i + 1;

    SELECT TOP (1) @location_id = location_id FROM #Site;

    SET @sql = 'ALTER TABLE #Temp ADD location' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(9)) + ' CHAR(4)';

    EXEC (@sql);

    SET @sql = 'UPDATE #Temp SET location' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(9)) + ' = ''' + @location_id + '''';

    EXEC (@sql);

    DELETE FROM #Site WHERE location_id = @location_id;


    UPDATE #Temp SET location_count = @i;

    --Or you can delete location_count

    --ALTER TABLE #Temp DROP COLUMN location_count;

    SELECT * FROM #Temp;

    DROP TABLE #Temp;

    DROP TABLE #Site;

    --Vadim R.

  • Thanks!!! That works great!

    Kindest Regards,


  • Glad it worked for you.


    --Vadim R.

  • whats supposed to happen if you have these records?

    INSERT INTO #Site (site_id, location_id, [description])

    VALUES ('06', '18a4', '18a4'),

    ('06', '18a5', '18a5'),

    ('06', '18a6', '18a6'),

    ('06', '18a7', '18a7'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a9', '18a9'),

    ('07', '19a5', '19a5')

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • In this particular instance there won't be different site id's because the data that will be inserted into the temp table will only be for one site.

    Kindest Regards,


  • rVadim (8/10/2012)

    I can be wrong but I think dynamic SQL with the loop is the only way:

    CREATE TABLE #Site (

    site_id CHAR(2)

    ,location_id CHAR(4)

    ,[description] VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #Site (site_id, location_id, [description])

    VALUES ('06', '18a4', '18a4'),

    ('06', '18a5', '18a5'),

    ('06', '18a6', '18a6'),

    ('06', '18a7', '18a7'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a9', '18a9')

    --SELECT * FROM #Site;

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000);

    DECLARE @i INT; SET @i = 0;

    DECLARE @location_id CHAR(4);

    CREATE TABLE #Temp (location_count INT);

    INSERT INTO #Temp(location_count) VALUES(0);


    SET @i = @i + 1;

    SELECT TOP (1) @location_id = location_id FROM #Site;

    SET @sql = 'ALTER TABLE #Temp ADD location' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(9)) + ' CHAR(4)';

    EXEC (@sql);

    SET @sql = 'UPDATE #Temp SET location' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(9)) + ' = ''' + @location_id + '''';

    EXEC (@sql);

    DELETE FROM #Site WHERE location_id = @location_id;


    UPDATE #Temp SET location_count = @i;

    --Or you can delete location_count

    --ALTER TABLE #Temp DROP COLUMN location_count;

    SELECT * FROM #Temp;

    DROP TABLE #Temp;

    DROP TABLE #Site;

    The loop and the resulting multiple updates can be avoided. Please see the following article.


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (8/10/2012)

    The loop and the resulting multiple updates can be avoided. Please see the following article.


    Thank you, Jeff, great article.

    OK, there is another way, without loop and ALTER/UPDATE.

    CREATE TABLE #Site (

    site_id CHAR(2)

    ,location_id CHAR(4)

    ,[description] VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #Site (site_id, location_id, [description])

    VALUES ('06', '18a4', '18a4'),

    ('06', '18a5', '18a5'),

    ('06', '18a6', '18a6'),

    ('06', '18a7', '18a7'),

    ('06', '18a9', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a8', '18a8'),

    ('06', '18a9', '18a9')

    --SELECT * FROM #Site


    DECLARE @i INT = 1;

    WITH DistinctLocationsCTE AS (

    SELECT DISTINCT location_id

    FROM #Site



    @SQL += '''' + COALESCE(location_id, '') + ''' AS location' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(9)) + ','

    ,@i += 1

    FROM DistinctLocationsCTE

    ORDER BY location_id;

    --Remove comma at the end

    SET @SQL = LEFT(@SQL, LEN(@SQL)-1);

    --PRINT @SQL

    EXEC (@SQL);

    DROP TABLE #Site;

    --Vadim R.

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