PK/FK on a same column, INSERT fails

  • I have a column that acts as a PK and FK and when I try to insert into that column, it failes with the following message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_code'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.code'.

    This is what I have... what is missing..? Please help...

    -- Create Tables

    CREATE TABLE category (

    category_db_id bigint identity(1,1) NOT NULL,

    categoryid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,

    category_scheme_db_id bigint NOT NULL,

    userid varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    label varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    version decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,

    versiondate datetime NOT NULL



    CREATE TABLE code (

    category_db_id bigint NOT NULL,

    code_scheme_db_id bigint NOT NULL,

    value smallint NOT NULL



    -- Create Primary Key Constraints

    ALTER TABLE category ADD CONSTRAINT PK_category

    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (category_db_id)



    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (category_db_id)


    -- Create Foreign Key Constraints

    ALTER TABLE category ADD CONSTRAINT FK_category_schemes

    FOREIGN KEY (category_scheme_db_id) REFERENCES schemes (scheme_db_id)


    ALTER TABLE code ADD CONSTRAINT FK_code_category

    FOREIGN KEY (category_db_id) REFERENCES category (category_db_id)


    ALTER TABLE code ADD CONSTRAINT FK_code_schemes

    FOREIGN KEY (code_scheme_db_id) REFERENCES schemes (scheme_db_id)


    INSERT INTO code

    SELECT b.category_db_id

    , c.scheme_db_id AS code_scheme_db_id

    , a.value

    FROM code_raw a

    JOIN category b ON a.categoryid = b.categoryid

    JOIN schemes c ON a.codeschemeid = c.schemeid

    Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1

    Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_code'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.code'.

    The statement has been terminated.

  • That error is rally clear. It means that the pk value is already in the table (or twice in the data set you're inserting).

    Try doing select PkKey FROM (select stmnt for insert) group by pk having count(*) > 1

    If that doesn't return anything try with an exists statement in the base table to find the duplicate.

    If that still fails check to see if you have a trigger that does an update or insert that could cause this.

  • This is a new table and there is no data in there.

    I checked to see whether there were duplicate key from the table that I'm inserting from, and there was none. That's where I'm stuck.

    Essentially, when I run this INSERT statement, it fails. There's no duplicate key in [category] table.

    INSERT INTO code

    SELECT b.category_db_id

    , a.value

    FROM code_raw a

    JOIN category b ON a.categoryid = b.categoryid

  • The query that you are using to populate the code table has more than one category_db_id .

    You will want to alter it to eliminate duplicates.

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  • Right, I have 964 DISTINCT category_db_id from category table. But since they are all unique, they should be ok for PKs...?

  • IMO your code table should have the combination of the two _db_id columns as primary key (or a *_db_id of its own and an unique constraint on the combination of both other _db_id columns)

    I don't know about your specs, but maybe even a start date / end date column can be handy with that kind of code tables.


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  • As was suggested category_db_id by itself is not going to be unique and you need a composite key.

    I do not know what the definition of categoryid and category_scheme_db_id are but perhaps they could be candidates for part of the composite PK.

    I'm not sure that your Database is in 3rd Normal Form. IMHO you may want to consider altering your design but without knowing what the definition of your attributes and requirements that may not be warranted.

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  • So in essence, you cannot have a PK that is getting a FK value from another table?

  • airparkroad (7/20/2011)

    So in essence, you cannot have a PK that is getting a FK value from another table?

    I've done something similar to this before and ti can be done.

    I'm not caught up on this thread but assuming your table design is correct you should be able to do it.

  • airparkroad (7/20/2011)

    So in essence, you cannot have a PK that is getting a FK value from another table?

    For example you could have Order_ID as the Primary Key in the Orders Table (Parent) and it would be a Foreign Key in the Order_Detail Table (Child).

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  • Welsh Corgi (7/20/2011)

    airparkroad (7/20/2011)

    So in essence, you cannot have a PK that is getting a FK value from another table?

    For example you could have Order_ID as the Primary Key in the Orders Table and it would be a Foreign Key in the Order_Detail Table.

    Well ya, but I had something way more complex in mind (like 4-5 levels deep).

    Servers - Databases - Access data Projects - Forms - Data sources - Sql Server Objects - Columns Used

    I ended up splitting this a little bit and using an identity PK in Level 3, but from there on out I always copied over all the PK fields from the top tables all the way to the bottom.

  • I just tried to provide a very simplistic example of a Primary Key and Foreign Key scenario to convey the concept based on the question.

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  • Actually, it's the other way.

    category_db_id from table is a PK.

    It is also a FK, which gets value from [category] table's FK.

    So it's a PK that gets its values from another table's FK.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (7/20/2011)

    Welsh Corgi (7/20/2011)

    airparkroad (7/20/2011)

    So in essence, you cannot have a PK that is getting a FK value from another table?

    For example you could have Order_ID as the Primary Key in the Orders Table and it would be a Foreign Key in the Order_Detail Table.

    Well ya, but I had something way more complex in mind (like 4-5 levels deep).

    Servers - Databases - Access data Projects - Forms - Data sources - Sql Server Objects - Columns Used

    I ended up splitting this a little bit and using an identity PK in Level 3, but from there on out I always copied over all the PK fields from the top tables all the way to the bottom.

    I know, I didn't mean to tell your exemple was bad. I just wanted to remove any doubts that this could be done at any level of complexity ;-).

  • airparkroad (7/20/2011)

    Actually, it's the other way.

    category_db_id from table is a PK.

    It is also a FK, which gets value from [category] table's FK.

    So it's a PK that gets its values from another table's FK.

    Can you post some sample data (insert statements) which shows us where you're having issues. I'm sure we'll understand what you need with that.

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