Please answer to these questions

  • Yesterday i attended the interview on sqldba position.they are asking these questions.please answer to these questions.

    1)what is your Daily work after entering into the office as a sql dba?

    2)major issues you solved in your total experience: give me some

    examples with explanation?

    3)).how can we add new articles to publication in replication, how

    those will be updated at subscription?

    4)Can we apply isolation levels manually to sql server queries?

    5)How frequent can u check fragmentation?

    6)scenarios:1).my database is online with the application since 1

    year, my query is executed properly up to yesterday, today when I

    executed the same query ,it is executed but took long time, what are

    the reasons, how can u resolve the issue?

    7)How can u solve the application time out issue?

    8)if u got an issue like, hello dba I am unable to connect to

    database, how can we resolve?

    9)My principal server is in one city, for disaster recovery, which

    method will u suggest, if want to keep my stand by server in other city

    and I have no backups?

    thank you


  • I would not answere these questions, becuase there are many candidates who apply for jobs with FAKE experience in their resume.

    They get anwers for all the possible interview questions from various sources and get the job.

    Unfortunately genuine candidates don't get selected.

  • sqldba2k8 (12/14/2011)

    1)make coffee. There is no checklist to do because I have all I need on my smart phone

    2)sqlperformance issues and a couple of server crashes

    3)Do you want the scripts for both sides ?


    5)How fast can you hit F5

    6)Call dev team to see if something changed.

    7)The same way as we cope with the greenhouse effect. Call the dev team and figure out what changed. Then query the plandmv and capture the plans which took more than 30sec.

    8)Who are you, where do you want to connect to, are you allowed to connect to that kind of sensitive data, where are you, did you follow the right procedure to get access.

    9)No backups ? No want to do.

    Thank you for wasting my time. You cannot be representing a serious company if you have no DRP for your instances !


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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  • in software industry most of the working people are fake.

    genuine people have its own knowledge to get the job.

    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    in my opinion,no people are working with their 100% own knowledge base, they are using google and other sources right?

  • sqldba2k8 (12/14/2011)

    Yesterday i attended the interview on sqldba position.they are asking these questions.please answer to these questions.

    If I answer them, do I get the job?

    1)what is your Daily work after entering into the office as a sql dba?

    2)major issues you solved in your total experience: give me some

    examples with explanation?

    Well you're the only one who can answer those. They're not fact checks, they're asking about your work experience. So, what is your daily work first thing in the morning?

    3)).how can we add new articles to publication in replication, how

    those will be updated at subscription?

    Books online: Replication.

    4)Can we apply isolation levels manually to sql server queries?

    Books Online: Isolation levels

    5)How frequent can u check fragmentation?

    Well, you can check multiple times a minute if you want. Whether that's a good idea is another matter.

    6)scenarios:1).my database is online with the application since 1

    year, my query is executed properly up to yesterday, today when I

    executed the same query ,it is executed but took long time, what are

    the reasons, how can u resolve the issue?

    7)How can u solve the application time out issue?

    8)if u got an issue like, hello dba I am unable to connect to

    database, how can we resolve?

    That's testing your ability to think through problems. They want to know your troubleshooting methodology, how you would really approach that if it really happened.

    9)My principal server is in one city, for disaster recovery, which

    method will u suggest, if want to keep my stand by server in other city

    and I have no backups?

    Books Online: High availability.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • in software industry most of the working people are fake.

    genuine people have their own knowledge to get the job.

    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    in my opinion,is genuine people are working with their 100% own knowledge base?, they are also using google and other sources right?

  • sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    That's good. Be sure to tell interviewers that, if you lie about your experience and they figure it out (and good interviewers will), you've lost that job and you've lost reputation and reputation is hard to fix.

    in my opinion,no people are working with their 100% own knowledge base, they are using google and other sources right?

    Sure. But there's a huge difference between you sitting down with google and researching and you asking us to spoonfeed you with answers with no effort. If you get a DBA job, no one's going to give you all the answers, you'll have to work for them.

    Besides, half of those questions are not googlable, they're about your working practices and your methodologies.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    in software industry most of the working people are fake.

    Speak for yourself.

    sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    genuine people have their own knowledge to get the job.

    Luckily they do.

    sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    they are also using google and other sources right?

    Indeed. So why aren't you? Are you one of those fakes?

    And the answer to question 1 is coffee. How can you not know that? 🙂

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    in software industry most of the working people are fake.

    genuine people have their own knowledge to get the job.

    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    in my opinion,is genuine people are working with their 100% own knowledge base?, they are also using google and other sources right?

    First of all, I would like to say that most of the people as you think are not fake. There might be a few of them but not most. And if somebody gets in by faking his experience, it will be difficult for them to carry out their job in and efficient manner.

    Try to get as much information about these questions from your current organization itself. If you have a DBA, ask him/her about what is their daily routine. Try to get some working knowledge on these things before you say you are a DBA to the interviewer. Any good interviewer will drill down into your answers and you will be in an unpleasant situation of you get caught.

    Also, you can tell your current employer that you would like a change in role. If they don't do anything concrete, look for another job by telling the truth and not by fake because if the interviewer finds that you are fake, you can't revert by saying "Everbody is a fake"

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    in software industry most of the working people are fake.

    You have to define fake. Is fake being that you don't know everything about everything? Yes, we're all fake. Is fake being that you have zero experience but you're going to lie about that? Nope. I'd say that most of us are not fake.

    genuine people have their own knowledge to get the job.


    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    Excellent. But go into an interview as yourself, with yourself. When I'm interviewing someone I want to understand what they know. If they don't know something, that's fine, but I need to understand what they are bringing to the table, by themselves. Yeah, I also want to know that if they don't know something, they can find the answer. But the problem is, if you have zero experience, zero knowledge, and zero understanding, when you go to find an answer, how do you know that you found the right answer? That's based on knowledge of the fundamentals and experience. Currently, you have neither and shouldn't try to fake your way into it.

    in my opinion,is genuine people are working with their 100% own knowledge base?, they are also using google and other sources right?

    100%, no one does that. Not even the MCMs rely on 100% their own knowledge. Everyone leverages others information. That's why books, articles, blog posts, are written all the time. People are learning and sharing, which is necessary. There's too much here for any one person to know.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey (12/15/2011)

    in my opinion,is genuine people are working with their 100% own knowledge base?, they are also using google and other sources right?

    100%, no one does that. Not even the MCMs rely on 100% their own knowledge. Everyone leverages others information. That's why books, articles, blog posts, are written all the time. People are learning and sharing, which is necessary. There's too much here for any one person to know.



    The more you learn about the sqlserver suite the more you get to realize how much there is still to discover.

    IMO one can only know parts of it a bit more thoroughly and especially then you'll learn to appreciate BOL,

    technet, ... and spend more time on testing the things of your interest so you know how they work and work out potential use cases for your company.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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  • As I have said in many of my SQL Saturday presentations, Books Online is your best friend. Learn it, Live it, Love it.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • sqldba2k8 (12/15/2011)

    I am working in developement i want to move admin side.thats why i attending interviews.

    Congrats on the good intentions but I believe you've put the cart before the horse. 😉 Now that you've seen some of the questions that can be asked in an interview, you now also know that you have to know more about being a DBA before someone will hire you as one.

    Time for you to hit the books. Buy a copy of the SQL Server Developer's Edition and a good book on what is necessary to be a good DBA and practice, practice, practice. You could also use the questions you weren't able to answer as a study guide. One of the most sought out traits for a DBA is someone who can do their own research to answer questions. Posting them all for someone else to answer won't buy you a thing.

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Where is this job and how does one apply?;-)

    Joking aside, like the others have said - you have learned some of the questions and now take a look at what you do on a daily basis and see how you can answer these questions. Do a little research.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • sqldba2k8 (12/14/2011)

    Yesterday i attended the interview on sqldba position.they are asking these questions.please answer to these questions.

    1)what is your Daily work after entering into the office as a sql dba?

    Drink iced tea, flirt with cute girl two cubicles down the hall, play Solitair/Minesweeper, if something goes wrong, blame the devs

    2)major issues you solved in your total experience: give me some

    examples with explanation?

    Ran out of ice tea, went and got some more, blamed the devs

    3)).how can we add new articles to publication in replication, how

    those will be updated at subscription?

    Well, it depends on what the editor thinks of the articles, and whether Marketing thinks they can get any sponsor ads into them. If the articles are rejected, blame the devs.

    4)Can we apply isolation levels manually to sql server queries?

    No. It has to be done electronically. That's the devs fault.

    5)How frequent can u check fragmentation?

    After every grenade pin, if you want to. If there is fragmentation, blame the devs.

    6)scenarios:1).my database is online with the application since 1

    year, my query is executed properly up to yesterday, today when I

    executed the same query ,it is executed but took long time, what are

    the reasons, how can u resolve the issue?

    Blame the devs.

    7)How can u solve the application time out issue?

    Blame the devs.

    8)if u got an issue like, hello dba I am unable to connect to

    database, how can we resolve?

    Blame the devs.

    9)My principal server is in one city, for disaster recovery, which

    method will u suggest, if want to keep my stand by server in other city

    and I have no backups?

    Kiss your job as a DBA goodbye. You don't have any backups. They need to fire you and you need to never be hired again.

    Or blame the devs.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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