Please find the logic for the below table in sql 2005

  • Hi ,

    Please find the logic for the below table in sql 2005.(without using the while loops)

    Input OutPut

    Row Person Row Person Count

    1 101 1 101 1

    1 102 1 102 1

    1 103 1 103 1

    2 101 2 101 2

    2 102 2 102 2

    2 104 2 103 1

    3 101 2 104 1

    3 103 3 101 3

    3 105 3 102 2

    3 103 3

    3 104 1

    3 105 1

  • vemula.narayanan (2/21/2012)

    Hi ,

    Please find the logic for the below table in sql 2005.(without using the while loops)

    Input OutPut

    Row Person Row Person Count

    1 101 1 101 1

    1 102 1 102 1

    1 103 1 103 1

    2 101 2 101 2

    2 102 2 102 2

    2 104 2 103 1

    3 101 2 104 1

    3 103 3 101 3

    3 105 3 102 2

    3 103 3

    3 104 1

    3 105 1

    Please provide the exact problem that you are facing. Do you want to write some query which produces such results? If yes, then you should provide the table(s) structure also that is involved in this query. It will be nice if you can explain what you want from the query.

    Sujeet Singh

  • Hi

    Input OutPut

    Row Person Row Person Count

    1 101 1 101 1

    1 102 1 102 1

    1 103 1 103 1

    2 101 2 101 2

    2 102 2 102 2

    2 104 2 103 1

    3 101 2 104 1

    3 103 3 101 3

    3 105 3 102 2

    3 103 3

    3 104 1

    3 105 1

  • Hi Divine Flame,

    Sorrry for Inconvenience.Please Construct the query to obtain the requiered output table without using while loops.

    Input Table Requiered OutPut Table

    Row Person Row Person Count

    1 101 1 101 1

    1 102 1 102 1

    1 103 1 103 1

    2 101 2 101 2

    2 102 2 102 2

    2 104 2 103 1

    3 101 2 104 1

    3 103 3 101 3

    3 105 3 102 2

    3 103 3

    3 104 1

    3 105 1

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Questions asked with such limited information/clarity have very less chances to be answered/answered correctly.

    Sujeet Singh

  • Please explain the logic that produces those results. Which columns are part of which table (it's not clear), why is there no 105 in the output? Why are some numbers repeated in the output and some not?

    Also easily usable table definitions and sample data would be useful. Read this to see the best way to post this to get quick responses.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi,

    Please Construct the query to get the Requiered output Table using the InputTable(without using the while loops)

    Input Table

    Row Person

    1 101

    1 102

    1 103

    2 101

    2 102

    2 104

    3 101

    3 103

    3 105

    Requiered OutPut Table

    Row Person Count

    1 101 1

    1 102 1

    1 103 1

    2 101 2

    2 102 2

    2 103 1

    2 104 1

    3 101 3

    3 102 2

    3 103 2

    3 104 1

    3 105 1

    Thanks & Regards


  • Please explain the logic that produces those results. What exactly defines what the count is? Or is it just a random number?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi,

    Please Construct the query to get the Requiered output Table using the InputTable(without using the while loops)

    Input Table

    Row Person

    1 101

    1 102

    1 103

    2 101

    2 102

    2 104

    3 101

    3 103

    3 105

    Requiered OutPut Table

    Row Person Count

    1 101 1

    1 102 1

    1 103 1

    2 101 2

    2 102 2

    2 103 1

    2 104 1

    3 101 3

    3 102 2

    3 103 2

    3 104 1

    3 105 1


    Row is consider as WEEK

    Person-101,102 etc are the Person Id's

    In First Week 101,102,103 are the Person ID's ,they listen the partcular programme then their count is 1 for all peoples

    In Second Week we consider both first and Second week

    101-listen the channel both first week and second week then their count is 2

    102,-listen the channel both first week and second week then their count is 2

    104 -they Listen the Programme in Second Week Only then their count is 1

    103 -they Listen the Programme in first Week Only then their count is 1

    similarly for week 3 also

    Thanks & Regards


  • Hi,

    Please Construct the query to get the Requiered output Table using the InputTable(without using the while loops)

    Input Table

    Row Person

    1 101

    1 102

    1 103

    2 101

    2 102

    2 104

    3 101

    3 103

    3 105

    Requiered OutPut Table

    Row Person Count

    1 101 1

    1 102 1

    1 103 1

    2 101 2

    2 102 2

    2 103 1

    2 104 1

    3 101 3

    3 102 2

    3 103 2

    3 104 1

    3 105 1


    Row is consider as WEEK

    Person-101,102 etc are the Person Id's

    In First Week 101,102,103 are the Person ID's ,they listen the partcular programme then their count is 1 for all peoples

    In Second Week we consider both first and Second week

    101-listen the channel both first week and second week then their count is 2

    102,-listen the channel both first week and second week then their count is 2

    104 -they Listen the Programme in Second Week Only then their count is 1

    103 -they Listen the Programme in first Week Only then their count is 1

    similarly for week 3 also

    Thanks & Regards


  • I am not sure if it is exactly the solution, but I think you need something like this:

    CREATE TABLE #MyTestTable


    Row INT,

    Person INT



    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (1, 101)

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (1 ,102)

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (1 ,103 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (2 ,101 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (2 ,102 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (2 ,104 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (3 ,101 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (3 ,103 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (3 ,105 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (3 ,103 )

    INSERT INTO #MyTestTable VALUES (3 ,104 )



    AS PersonCountDR

    FROM #MyTestTable MTT1 OUTER APPLY #MyTestTable MTT2

    WHERE MTT1.Person = MTT2.Person AND MTT1.Row = MTT2.Row

    GROUP BY MTT1.Row,MTT2.Person

    ORDER BY MTT1.Row,MTT2.Person

    I will suggest to try this on some test database with reasonable amount of data present. Use it in production only if you are satisfied with the results.

    Sujeet Singh

  • Hi Dwine Flame,

    Its really helpfull..Thanks a lot

    with Regards


  • Hello,

    I came up with these query using Divine's table ( i just took off a row 3 person 103 pair because i think they were inserted twice).

    select [Rows] .Row,


    RunningCount = COUNT(*)


    CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Person FROM #MyTestTable) Persons

    INNER JOIN #MyTestTable t ON t.Row <= [Rows].Row AND t.Person = Persons.Person

    GROUP BY Persons.Person,Rows.Row

    I ran these with the input you provide and it generates the output you expect.

  • hi adrian.facio,

    This Query shows the good performance and got the exact output..


  • adrian.facio (2/23/2012)


    I came up with these query using Divine's table ( i just took off a row 3 person 103 pair because i think they were inserted twice).

    select [Rows] .Row,


    RunningCount = COUNT(*)


    CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Person FROM #MyTestTable) Persons

    INNER JOIN #MyTestTable t ON t.Row <= [Rows].Row AND t.Person = Persons.Person

    GROUP BY Persons.Person,Rows.Row

    I ran these with the input you provide and it generates the output you expect.

    Nice work Adrian 🙂

    Sujeet Singh

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