Please validate my query on Grouping records

  • Hi,

    I have the following tables :















    1 - Addition

    2 - Removal

    3 - Relocate








    A Town has areas, Areas have locality so...

    I want to find out the Town/Area/Locality wise Addition/Removal/Relocation request that have come

    during the last 1 month.

    The query I have written so far is as follows :

    SELECT WebRequest.SummitId, RequestType.reqdtls, Area.areaname, Locality.locno, Town.townname

    FROM RequestType INNER JOIN

    WebRequest ON RequestType.reqid = WebRequest.reqid INNER JOIN

    Area ON WebRequest.areano = Area.areano INNER JOIN

    TownList ON Area.towncode = TownList.towncode INNER JOIN

    Locality ON Area.areano = Locality.areano

    However the results are with a lot of duplicates, repeated for each locality.

    Kindly suggest me the right query.

    Here's some sample data


    TownCode TownName

    1 Conteck


    AreaNo AreaName TownCode

    1   Area1   1

    2   Area2   1

    3   Area 3   1

    4   Area4   1

    5   Area5   1

    6   Area6   1

    7   Area7   1


    LocNo AreaNo

    1   1

    2   1

    3   1

    1   2

    2   2

    1   3

    2   3

    3   3

    4   3

    1   4

    2   4

    1   5

    2   5

    3   5

    Even though locality 1 may be in area 1 or area 3 as shown in the data above, the uniqueness is achieved using both the locno and areano together.


    reqid reqdtls

    1 Addition

    2 Removal

    3 Relocate


    SummitId RequestorName DateOfRequest reqid

    AreaNo LocNo

    1 John 12/6/2007 1 1 1

    2 Jack 13/6/2007 1 1 1

    3 Bill 12/6/2007 2 2 1

    4 Ben 12/6/2007 2 2 2

    5 Dale 14/6/2007 2 3 2

    6 Evjen 15/6/2007 3 1 3

    7 Fuller 16/6/2007 1 4 1

    8 Jimmy 16/6/2007 3 4 2

    9 Kart 16/6/2007 1 5 2

    10 Fuller 16/6/2007 1 5 3



  • Your query doesn't match (table name wise) with the tables you posted.  Assuming that "WebRequest" = "WebSummit" and "TownList" = "Town" I think the following will work:

    SELECT distinct month(dateofrequest) [month], town.townname, area.areaname, locality.locno, RequestType.reqdtls

     FROM RequestType INNER JOIN

      Websummit ON RequestType.reqid = Websummit.reqid INNER JOIN

      Area ON Websummit.areano = Area.areano INNER JOIN

      Town ON Area.towncode = Town.towncode INNER JOIN

      Locality ON Area.areano = Locality.areano

        where dateadd(dd,-30,getdate()) < dateofrequest

    NOTE: The date range for "last month" is a quick approximation there are forumulas for getting exactly 1 month a go or just from 1st of month.


    P.S. Here is your test data back in a usable format: (So you can see the output the same as I'm seeing it if you need to ask for a change).

    if object_id('town') is not null drop table town ;

    if object_id('area') is not null drop table area ;

    if object_id('locality') is not null drop table locality ;

    if object_id('requesttype') is not null drop table requesttype ;

    if object_id('webrequest') is not null drop table websummit ;

    create table town (towncode int, townname varchar(40)) ;

    create table area (areano int,areaname varchar(40),towncode varchar(10)) ;

    create table locality (locno int, areano int) ;

    create table requesttype (reqid int,reqdtls varchar(10)) ;

    create table websummit(summitid int, requestorname varchar(20),dateofrequest datetime, reqid int, areano int, locno int) ;

    insert into town values (1,'contec')

    insert into area select 1,'area1',1 union all

        select 1,   'Area1',   1 union all

        select 2,   'Area2',   1 union all

        select 3,   'Area3',   1 union all

        select 4,   'Area4',   1 union all

        select 5,   'Area5',   1 union all

        select 6,   'Area6',   1 union all

        select 7,   'Area7',   1

    insert into locality

    select 1,   1 union all

    select 2,   1 union all

    select 3,   1 union all

    select 1,   2 union all

    select 2,   2 union all

    select 1,   3 union all

    select 2,   3 union all

    select 3,   3 union all

    select 4,   3 union all

    select 1,   4 union all

    select 2,   4 union all

    select 1,   5 union all

    select 2,   5 union all

    select 3,   5

    insert into requesttype

    select 1, 'Addition' union all

    select 2, 'Removal' union all

    select 3, 'Relocate'

    insert into websummit

    select 1,'John','6/12/2007',1,1,1 union all

    select 2,'Jack','6/13/2007',1,1,1 union all

    select 3,'Bill','6/12/2007',2,2,1 union all

    select 4,'Ben','6/12/2007',2,2,2 union all

    select 5,'Dale','6/14/2007',2,3,2 union all

    select 6,'Evjen','6/15/2007',3,1,3 union all

    select 7,'Fuller','6/16/2007',1,4,1 union all

    select 8,'Jimmy','6/16/2007',3,4,2 union all

    select 9,'Kart','6/16/2007',1,5,2 union all

    select 10,'Fuller','6/16/2007',1,5,3


    SELECT distinct month(dateofrequest) [month], town.townname, area.areaname, locality.locno, RequestType.reqdtls

     FROM RequestType INNER JOIN

      Websummit ON RequestType.reqid = Websummit.reqid INNER JOIN

      Area ON Websummit.areano = Area.areano INNER JOIN

      Town ON Area.towncode = Town.towncode INNER JOIN

      Locality ON Area.areano = Locality.areano

        where dateadd(dd,-30,getdate()) < dateofrequest



  • Thanks JLK.

    That was very helpful. A friend of mine badly needed this solution.

     I will try out the solution.

    Thanks again.

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