possible to have variable cursor name?

  • I'm working on a recursive stored procedure to create an in-order traversal of a hierarchy stored in a single table (key and parent_key).

    I am aware of the debate about whether or not to use cursors. For this stored proc, I was not concerned about speed, so I used a cursor. It looks like this stored proc might do the job, except that the first recursive call attempts to redeclare the already existing cursor.

    Is there a way to declare a cursor using a variable as the name of the cursor? If so, I can't find it.

    Thanks in advance,


  • You could try to write wrapped in Dynamic SQL. Otherwise it goes out of scope and cannot be done at all.

  • No, your cursor name can not be variable.

    If you are going to declare a cursor with the same name, you have to first deallocate it.

    At the end of the cursor loop, close the cursor and then deallocate it.

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  • quote:

    I'm working on a recursive stored procedure to create an in-order traversal of a hierarchy stored in a single table (key and parent_key).

    Is there a way to declare a cursor using a variable as the name of the cursor? If so, I can't find it.

    Don't think it can be done, however I think you are looking for the wrong solution.

    If you declare the cursor as LOCAL then each instance of the sp has its own cursor which does not interfere with others





  • Thanks for the input, all.

    I considered the dynamic SQL approach suggested by Antares686, which I read about yesterday when I was looking for a solution in the voluminous set of posts on this site. I have not written a dynamic stored proc before, and if time was no issue, I might explore this route.

    The "close and deallocate" method suggested by Rawhide would not help me because I was looking for a way to keep cursors open as the stored proc was called recursively. I asked the question because I hoped to rename the cursors by recursion level, such as cc_cursor0, cc_cursor1, cc_cursor2, etc.

    The suggestion by Pete@jcd accomplished what I needed. The LOCAL keyword enabled the stored procedure to recognized each cursor locally and individually at each level of recursion.

    The code is provided below. I realize there may be more efficient ways to do this (function instead of stored proc, ways to avoid cursors, different use of temporary tables, etc.), but this worked for me. To run the procedure, the following execute statement was used:

    exec omsp_traverse_cc_tree 1, 0

    where 1 was the cost_center_key for the top of the branch of the tree I was interested in, and 0 was the current level of recursion.

    The table that this code operates on is defined as follows:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CostCenter] (

    [cost_center_key] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [cost_center_code] [varchar] (10) NULL ,

    [cost_center_name] [varchar] (75) NULL ,

    [cost_center_parent_key] [int] NULL


    CREATE procedure omsp_traverse_cc_tree @parent_key int, @curlevel smallint AS

    declare @row_id smallint
    declare @cc_key int
    declare @cc_code varchar(10)
    declare @cc_name varchar(75)
    declare @newlevel smallint
    declare @outstr varchar (100)
    declare @print_level smallint

    if @curlevel = 0
    create table #traversal
    (print_level smallint,
    row_id smallint,
    cc_key int,
    cc_code varchar(10),
    cc_name varchar(75))

    SELECT @row_id = count(*) FROM #traversal
    SET @row_id = @row_id + 1

    select @cc_key = cost_center_key, @cc_code = cost_center_code, @cc_name = cost_center_name
    FROM CostCenter
    WHERE cost_center_key = @parent_key

    if @curlevel = 0
    INSERT INTO #traversal
    VALUES (@curlevel, @row_id, @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name)

    -- create a cursor to select cost centers that have parameter cost center as parent

    declare cc_cursor cursor local for select cost_center_key, cost_center_code, cost_center_name
    FROM CostCenter where cost_center_parent_key = @parent_key order by cost_center_key
    open cc_cursor
    fetch next from cc_cursor into @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name
    SELECT @row_id = count(*) FROM #traversal
    set @row_id = @row_id + 1

    set @newlevel = @curlevel + 1

    -- while loop runs as long as there are rows in the cursor to process

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

    -- for each row in the cursor
    INSERT INTO #traversal
    VALUES (@curlevel, @row_id, @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name)

    exec omsp_traverse_cc_tree @cc_key, @newlevel

    fetch next from cc_cursor into @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name
    SELECT @row_id = count(*) FROM #traversal
    set @row_id = @row_id + 1

    -- Close and deallocate the cursor.

    close cc_cursor
    deallocate cc_cursor

    if @curlevel = 0
    declare trav_cursor cursor for select print_level, row_id, cc_key, cc_code, cc_name FROM #traversal
    ORDER BY row_id
    open trav_cursor
    fetch next from trav_cursor into @print_level, @row_id, @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    set @outstr = cast(@print_level AS varchar(2)) + ' - ' + cast(@row_id AS varchar(3)) + ' - '+ cast(@cc_key AS varchar(3)) + ' - ' + @cc_code + ' - ' + @cc_name
    print @outstr
    fetch next from trav_cursor into @print_level, @row_id, @cc_key, @cc_code, @cc_name
  • Oops, please note, with above script, forgot to close and deallocate trav_cursor. Sorry.


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