Post a Twitter Status Update using T-SQL

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Post a Twitter Status Update using T-SQL

  • Meh.

    We already have SMS and email notification capabilities.

    Twitter is for twits.

  • Kelly Connor (2/2/2012)

    Twitter is for twits.

    Maybe, but there is a large, very active SQL Server community on twitter and we use it daily to bond, teach, learn, and build relationships.

    There's also value to announcements and some interaction with people across Twitter, or Yammer.

  • This is a great idea - thanks for the article.

    R Glen Cooper

  • I'm gonna check it out to see it's of use

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/2/2012)

    Kelly Connor (2/2/2012)

    Twitter is for twits.

    Maybe, but there is a large, very active SQL Server community on twitter and we use it daily to bond, teach, learn, and build relationships.

    There's also value to announcements and some interaction with people across Twitter, or Yammer.

    I'll agree there. About 7-8 months ago I thought twitter was stupid and worthless. I then tried it out and haven't looked back since. It's great to interact with other DBAs out there. It's an essential tool for me to use now. #sqlhelp alone is priceless.

    I'm looking forward to playing with boomerang and trying this out.


  • Thank you all for your input and comments. For those of you interested in trying out the Twitter feature don't hesitate to contact our support ( in case you run in to an issue or have further questions.



  • Boomerang looks like it's quite useful; I like that it's SQL table-driven. However, given the fact that the Pro edition is 995 EUR and it's the cheapest edition that can be used with Twitter, I decided to not even install the demo version - and I love Twitter, most of the time.

    Hate to say it, but I could see this as a very useful tool for spammers.

    Michael, if you were to include Twitter functionality in the standard version, I think you'd see many more downloads and a big increase in the size of your user base.

  • Sqlgreg, Yes it is quite useful ;-). Companies that have chosen to use Boomerang for all their notification needs i.e. email, fax, printing and twitter etc find Boomerang very effective, easy and yet flexible to use.

    We might include Twitter In and Out in the standard edition sometime in the future as the framework progress in depth and width, but frankly I believe that the price is pretty modest for a robust SQL based integration to Twitter that can be used to implement corporate CRM, ERP or other business solutions.

    As far as spam I have little concern since you have to authorize to connect to a Twitter account that you control with your instance of Boomerang. This Twitter process is difficult to manipulate. Twitter has also established some protection from spam through quotas - abusing users exceeding their account limits get suspended.



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