PowerBI - Unable to configure https

    • SQL Server 2019 on Windows Core 2019
    • New PowerBI installation
    • No current SSL or port 443 users

    Screenshot 2022-01-13 082005

    However, when I try to configure HTTPS in the Report Server Configuration Manager, I get the error:

    Screenshot 2022-01-13 082315

    Also not sure why the "url was unexpectedly reserved" :-/

    After this error, the following *has* been added to the "reportserver.config" file though:

    Screenshot 2022-01-13 082935

    And port 443 is flagged as in use but still there is no SSL:

    Screenshot 2022-01-13 083443


    Can anyone advise why the HTTP certificate binding is failing in this scenario?



    Additional information: This always occurs when I try to enable HTTPS:

    Screenshot 2022-01-14 091744

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  Pete Bishop. Reason: Further detail added
  • Not really.

    Currently I have the following in PowerBI rsreportserver.config

    <AccountName>NT SERVICE\PowerBIReportServer</AccountName>
    <AccountName>NT SERVICE\PowerBIReportServer</AccountName>
  • You may also try configure HTTP first and then switch to https

  • Hi Jo.

    HTTP works fine and I've configured all my reports, subscriptions, etc. without issue. It's only when trying to enable HTTPS that I hit a problem.

    I've also attached a screenshot to the original post for an Audit Failure which always coincides with trying to do this - which might point to a permissions issue?


  • Looks like this was caused by an invalid certificate. No idea what was wrong with it but applying a newly-created certificate worked without issue.

  • Glad it sorted out!

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