Powershell for network path

  • It must have had something to do with the switch in SQL Agent 2008 to 2012 from them dropping us into a mini-shell versus dropping us into a full blown PowerShell.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • More than likely. I've just gotten into the habit of just calling powershell directly in a cmd line from the job server instead of putting it into a powershell job step just because of niggly little issues like this.


  • That's what I do too, and recommend on 2008 R2 but I was hopeful with the change in the approach to PowerShell steps introduced in 2012 that the user experience would have improved to the point where I would not need to do that anymore. Using powershell.exe some of my command lines have become pretty gnarly with all the parameters I pass to my scripts. However, since I do not run 2012 as a primary platform in production just yet my knowledge is limited to some specialized instances I have rolled out plus some local testing. I have not rolled my generic maintenance routines to a 2012 environment just yet to see how they would react if I converted them to use PowerShell steps.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • ryan 8226 (7/28/2013)

    I chose to use the newer PowerShell command "Set-Location c:" instead, which does the same thing.

    By the way, cd is not a different, older command than Set-Location, it's an alias, so they're one in the same:

    There are a bunch of built-in aliases in your default PowerShell session, cd being just one of many. Type alias at a PowerShell prompt to see them all:

    You can also define new aliases of you own as well using New-Alias in case you are interested. Check the help for complete details:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • This was a huge help. It solved my problem.

  • sgnewman (9/5/2012)

    You need to change the provider when the job runs. It's running under the sqlserver:/ provider. Just do a cd c: at the top of your script and it will now accept the unc path.


    This info helped me solve my problem that was similar to OP (invalid path).

    Thank you!

  • No problem. This is apparently the most helpful thing I've ever done on the internets. 😉


  • Just as an addendum; Sql Server 2016 SqlPS FINALLY doesn't switch up the provider anymore (and loads tons faster to boot...), so hopefully this thread won't be useful anymore...


  • This is still helpful in 2019.

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