ppend 0''s

  • I have to generate an output file with several columns.  One of the business rules requires the TableID to be 5 digits, so if the value is less than 5 digits I would have to add 0's to the beginning.

    Ex: original value = 123  new value = 00123.

    Is it possible to do this with an existing transformation task (Derived Column)?


    Thanks again.

  • yep, you can do this very easily in your activeX script of Data Transformation task, as long as your database column is a char/varchar field

  • Thanks for the suggestion.  Fortunately, I was able to find a way to do this using a derived column task and expression.


    Column    Action               Expression

    TableID Replace(tableID)     (len(tableID) == 3 ? "00" + tableid : TableID


    Explanation - the expression above is similar to a case statement.  "?" = if  and ":" = else

    So basically, "(len(tableID) == 3 ?" is the True/False check.  If (len(tableid) == 3  Then "00" + tableID else ":" tableID

  • I found a better way to add 0's to the tableID

    Using derived column task, I add a new column with the following expression.

    RIGHT("0000", 5 - (LEN(TableID))) + TableID

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