Prevent any SQL connections without a certificate

  • is it possible to prevent any connection to a SQL server unless they have a matching certificate?

    from within my LAN, I can configure Force Encryption on the server, which makes all connections use SSL, I think.

    but that does  not force users with valid logins from connecting to the server without a certificate.

    I can find articles that says how to create the certificate, and export it to another workstation or server easy enough, but that's not doing what I expect.

    ideally for example, some application server and three or four users, with certificates, should be the only connections allowed.

    I don't want to enforce firewall rules, I was hoping to do it via certificates only.

    can anyone point me to a good resource?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • don't think its possible. You'd have to use IPSec

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