Print The Calender 2

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Print The Calender 2

    Vinay Kumar
    Keep Learning - Keep Growing !!!

  • Nice thanks added it to my SANDBOX for future use

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • You are a bit US centric... 😉 Should have "SET DATEFIRST 7" in there if you want to make sure that your script runs correctly everywhere (or take @@DATEFIRST into account when identifiying the given day of week).

  • A calender is a series of hard pressure rollers used to form or smooth a sheet of material (see

    Not sure how this relates to dates. :hehe:

  • ^^^^^

    HA! That's exactly what I was thinking! CALENDAR <> CALENDER

    (Maybe he drives around in a Camero, too...)

  • Another way to print a calendar using PIVOT:

    CREATE FUNCTION CalenderUsingPivot


    @BeginDate date

    , @EndDate date


    RETURNS @Calendar TABLE


    Week tinyint

    , Monday tinyint

    , Tuesday tinyint

    , Wednesday tinyint

    , Thursday tinyint

    , Friday tinyint

    , Saturday tinyint

    , Sunday tinyint






    Date date

    , Day AS DAY(Date)

    , Week AS DATEPART(week, Date)

    , Weekday AS DATENAME(weekday, Date)


    DECLARE @i date;

    SET @i = @BeginDate;

    WHILE @i <= @EndDate


    INSERT @date VALUES (@i);

    SET @i = DATEADD(day, 1, @i);


    INSERT @Calendar



    , p.Monday

    , p.Tuesday

    , p.Wednesday

    , p.Thursday

    , p.Friday

    , p.Saturday

    , p.Sunday



    SELECT Day, Week, Weekday

    FROM @date

    ) AS c



    MAX(Day) FOR Weekday IN



    , Tuesday

    , Wednesday

    , Thursday

    , Friday

    , Saturday

    , Sunday


    ) AS p

    ORDER BY Week;




    SET LANGUAGE English;

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.CalenderUsingPivot('2012-01-01', '2012-12-31');

  • I really liked your calendar idea, so I amended it a bit for my use..

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[calendar2print]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].calendar2print



    Created By :- Vinay Kumar

    Created on :- 29 Jan 2008

    EXEC calender '01/01/2016'

    Purpose :- Print the calender from the given Date until end of current year


    Amended by Hannes Malan

    Amended On :- Aug 13, 2012

    EXEC calendar2print @StartDate=null, @fullmonth=1, @months=1

    Purpose :- Print the calender from the given Date ...

    ..and if @StartDate is null, use current date (@StartDate)

    ..also from specified date or from first day of specified month (@fullmonth)

    ..for a certain amount of months (@months)


    Create Procedure calendar2print

    @StartDate DateTime

    ,@fullmonth int = 1

    ,@months int = 1


    set nocount on

    if @StartDate is null set @StartDate = getdate()

    if (@fullmonth = 1) begin

    set @StartDate = '01 ' + datename(mm,@StartDate) +' '+ datename(yy,@StartDate)


    set datefirst 7

    DECLARE @tbl Table(RowID int identity(1,1), Sun varchar(20) default '', Mon varchar(20) default '', Tue varchar(20) default '',

    Wed varchar(20) default '', Thu varchar(20) default '', Fri varchar(20) default '', Sat varchar(20) default '')

    declare @monthCount int

    set @monthCount = 1

    DECLARE @currentMonth int

    DECLARE @CurrentDate int

    DECLARE @CurrentDay int

    DECLARE @CurrentRowID int

    DECLARE @TotalMonthDays int

    DECLARE @monthName varchar(20)

    set @CurrentDate = datepart(dd, @StartDate)

    set @currentMonth = datepart(mm, @StartDate)

    set @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Mon) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    while @monthCount <= @months begin

    set @monthCount = @monthCount + 1

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when month(@StartDate) in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31

    when month(@StartDate) in (4,6,9,11) then 30

    when month(@StartDate) = 2 and year(@StartDate) % 4 = 0 then 29

    when month(@StartDate) = 2 and year(@StartDate) % 4 <> 0 then 28


    set @monthName = datename(m, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Tue, Thu) values (@monthName, Convert(Varchar, year(@StartDate)))

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    insert @tbl(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed, Thu, Fri,Sat) values ('_______', '_______', '_______', '_______', '_______', '_______', '_______')

    insert @tbl(Sun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    while @CurrentDate <= @TotalMonthDays begin

    if @CurrentDay = 1 begin

    insert @tbl(Sun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity


    if @CurrentDay = 1

    update @tbl set Sun = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 2

    update @tbl set Mon = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 3

    update @tbl set Tue = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 4

    update @tbl set wed = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 5

    update @tbl set Thu = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 6

    update @tbl set Fri = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 7

    update @tbl set Sat = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    set @CurrentDate = @CurrentDate + 1

    if @CurrentDate = @TotalMonthDays + 1 begin

    IF (Datepart(DD,@StartDate)>1)

    set @StartDate = DATEADD(Day,-(Datepart(DD,@StartDate)-1),@StartDate)

    set @StartDate = DATEADD(Month,1,@StartDate)

    set @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)

    values ('*******', '*******', '*******', '*******', '*******', '*******', '*******')

    end else begin

    set @CurrentDay = (@CurrentDay + 1) % 8

    if (@CurrentDay = 0) set @CurrentDay = 1



    set @CurrentDate = 1


    -- Finaly show the output

    select Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

    from @tbl

    where Mon <> '' or Tue <> '' or Wed <> ''

    or Thu <> '' or Fri <> '' or Sat <> '' or Sun <> ''

  • hannes.malan (8/13/2012)

    I really liked your calendar idea, so I amended it a bit for my use.

    I have to ask... what will you actually end up using this for? Not challenging what you're doing. I just really want to know.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • hehehe.. , so far ...I have no idea...

    I just like the odd script that is off the beaten track


    to expound a bit further... might not use the script it was written for, but at times you get to a situation where you need similar logic to solve some kind of bussiness need.

  • One issue - the Leap Day calculation is missing one constraint - February does not have 29 days in Centuries not divisible by 400, ie 2100 will be 28 days, but 2000 was 29 days.

    Otherwise the script looks like it works like a charm...

  • timothy.shawley (8/13/2012)

    One issue - the Leap Day calculation is missing one constraint - February does not have 29 days in Centuries not divisible by 400, ie 2100 will be 28 days, but 2000 was 29 days.

    Otherwise the script looks like it works like a charm...

    That's what I saw, but it can easily be corrected if you add two conditions to the CASE

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when @currentMonth in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31

    when @currentMonth in (4,6,9,11) then 30

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 400 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 100 = 0 then 28

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 > 0 then 28

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Indeed.

    You can eliminate 7 evaluations from the vast majority of leap year candidates by simplifying and reordering the predicates:



    WHEN @CurrentMonth in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12) THEN 31

    WHEN @CurrentMonth in (4, 6, 9, 11) THEN 30

    -- only '@CurrentMonth = 2' left

    WHEN @YearNo % 4 > 0 THEN 28 -- not divisible by 4 => not leap year

    -- only years divisible by 4 left; century leap years must be divisible by 400

    WHEN @YearNo % 100 > 0 THEN 29 -- not a century year => leap year

    WHEN @YearNo % 400 = 0 THEN 29 -- is divisible by 400 => leap year

    ELSE 28

    END AS DaysInMonth;

    Admitedly, in this application where we're evaluating DaysInMonth only once, the loss of code clarity doesn't justify the simplification. If you were applying this DaysInMonth function to a large volume of currentMonth values, however, it would be worth considering.

  • I personaly cringe when I see manual calculations involving date/time. It's way to easy to mess up and there are usualy good library functions for it.

    In T-SQL would I for instance do something like this










    CONVERT(varchar(8), @Date, 20) + '01'



    ) AS [DaysInMonth]

    to get the numer of days in the current month. That way are you safe with all leap years and don't have to worry about a thing.

  • After some digging I found one I had done quite time ago. In my opinion, it has a little nicer output. Also, I didn't realize about the every 400 years skipping leap year, but mine actually handled that just fine.


    Here's the code:

    DECLARE @thisyear varchar(4),@cnt int,@datestr varchar(12)

    SET @thisyear = '2100'

    SET nocount on

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' and left(name,len('#calendar')) = '#calendar') drop table #calendar

    CREATE TABLE #calendar (cid int identity(0,1),col1 varchar(4),col2 varchar(4),col3 varchar(4),col4 varchar(4),col5 varchar(4),col6 varchar(4),col7 varchar(4),col8 varchar(4),col9 varchar(4),col10 varchar(4),col11 varchar(4),col12 varchar(4),col13 varchar(4),col14 varchar(4),col15 varchar(4),col16 varchar(4),col17 varchar(4),col18 varchar(4),col19 varchar(4),col20 varchar(4),col21 varchar(4),col22 varchar(4),col23 varchar(4))

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    VALUES ('','','','','','','','','','','',@thisyear,'','','','','','','','','','','')

    SELECT @cnt = 1

    WHILE @cnt < 12


    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT '','','',convert(varchar(3),(cast((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear) as datetime)),100),'','','','','','','',convert(varchar(3),(cast((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear) as datetime)),100),'','','','','','','',convert(varchar(3),(cast((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear) as datetime)),100),'','',''

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    VALUES ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','' ,'Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','','Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '1' else '' END as 'Col1'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '2' when 2 then '1' else '' END as 'Col2'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '3' when 2 then '2' when 3 then '1' else '' END as 'Col3'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '4' when 2 then '3' when 3 then '2' when 4 then '1' else '' END as 'Col4'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '5' when 2 then '4' when 3 then '3' when 4 then '2' when 5 then '1' else '' END as 'Col5'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '6' when 2 then '5' when 3 then '4' when 4 then '3' when 5 then '2' when 6 then '1' else '' END as 'Col6'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '7' when 2 then '6' when 3 then '5' when 4 then '4' when 5 then '3' when 6 then '2' when 7 then '1' else '' END as 'Col7'

    ,'' as 'Col8'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '1' else '' END as 'Col9'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '2' when 2 then '1' else '' END as 'Col10'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '3' when 2 then '2' when 3 then '1' else '' END as 'Col11'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '4' when 2 then '3' when 3 then '2' when 4 then '1' else '' END as 'Col12'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '5' when 2 then '4' when 3 then '3' when 4 then '2' when 5 then '1' else '' END as 'Col13'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '6' when 2 then '5' when 3 then '4' when 4 then '3' when 5 then '2' when 6 then '1' else '' END as 'Col14'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '7' when 2 then '6' when 3 then '5' when 4 then '4' when 5 then '3' when 6 then '2' when 7 then '1' else '' END as 'Col15'

    ,'' as 'Col16'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '1' else '' END as 'Col17'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '2' when 2 then '1' else '' END as 'Col18'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '3' when 2 then '2' when 3 then '1' else '' END as 'Col19'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '4' when 2 then '3' when 3 then '2' when 4 then '1' else '' END as 'Col20'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '5' when 2 then '4' when 3 then '3' when 4 then '2' when 5 then '1' else '' END as 'Col21'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '6' when 2 then '5' when 3 then '4' when 4 then '3' when 5 then '2' when 6 then '1' else '' END as 'Col122'

    ,case datepart(dw,(cast(cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + @thisyear as datetime))) when 1 then '7' when 2 then '6' when 3 then '5' when 4 then '4' when 5 then '3' when 6 then '2' when 7 then '1' else '' END as 'Col123'

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT col7+1,col7+2,col7+3,col7+4,col7+5,col7+6,col7+7,'',col15+1,col15+2,col15+3,col15+4,col15+5,col15+6,col15+7,'',col23+1,col23+2,col23+3,col23+4,col23+5,col23+6,col23+7

    FROM #calendar

    WHERE cid = (SELECT max(cid) FROM #calendar)

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT col7+1,col7+2,col7+3,col7+4,col7+5,col7+6,col7+7,'',col15+1,col15+2,col15+3,col15+4,col15+5,col15+6,col15+7,'',col23+1,col23+2,col23+3,col23+4,col23+5,col23+6,col23+7

    FROM #calendar

    WHERE cid = (SELECT max(cid) FROM #calendar)

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT col7+1,col7+2,col7+3,col7+4,col7+5,col7+6,col7+7,'',col15+1,col15+2,col15+3,col15+4,col15+5,col15+6,col15+7,'',col23+1,col23+2,col23+3,col23+4,col23+5,col23+6,col23+7

    FROM #calendar

    WHERE cid = (SELECT max(cid) FROM #calendar)

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col1

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col2

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col3

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col4

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col5

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col6

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col7

    ,'' as col8

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col9

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col10

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col11

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col12

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col13

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col14

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col15

    ,'' as col16

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col17

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col18

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col19

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col20

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col21

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col22

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col23

    FROM #calendar

    WHERE cid = (SELECT max(cid) FROM #calendar)

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    SELECT case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col1

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col2

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col3

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col4

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col5

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col6

    ,case when col7 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col7+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col7+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col7

    ,'' as col8

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col9

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col10

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col11

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col12

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col13

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col14

    ,case when col15 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col15+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col15+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col15

    ,'' as col16

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+1 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+1 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col17

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+2 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col18

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+3 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+3 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col19

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+4 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+4 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col20

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+5 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+5 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col21

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+6 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+6 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col22

    ,case when col23 <> '' then case isdate((cast(@cnt+2 as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(col23+7 as varchar(2)) + '/' + @thisyear)) when 0 then '' else cast(col23+7 as varchar(2)) END else '' END as col23

    FROM #calendar

    WHERE cid = (SELECT max(cid) FROM #calendar)

    INSERT INTO #calendar (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19,col20,col21,col22,col23)

    VALUES ('','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','')

    SET @cnt = @cnt + 3


    SELECT col1 as ' ',col2 as ' ',col3 as ' ',col4 as ' ',col5 as ' ',col6 as ' ',col7 as ' ',col8 as ' ',col9 as ' ',col10 as ' ',col11 as ' ',col12 as ' ',col13 as ' ',col14 as ' ',col15 as ' ',col16 as ' ',col17 as ' ',col18 as ' ',col19 as ' ',col20 as ' ',col21 as ' ',col22 as ' ',col23 as ' '

    FROM #calendar

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' and left(name,len('#calendar')) = '#calendar') drop table #calendar

  • As I need to support French speaking persons, as I live/work in France, I modified for the date changes:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[calendar]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[calendar]



    Created By :- Vinay Kumar

    Created on :- 29 Jan 2008

    Purpose :- Print the calendar from the given Date

    Modified On :- July 20, 2012

    Modified On :- June 24, 2013 - changed calendar representation for French

    --- EXEC calendar '01/06/2013'


    Create Procedure calendar

    @StartDate DateTime='01/01/2012' ----Default Value


    Set nocount on

    DECLARE @tbl Table(RowID int identity(1,1), Dim varchar(20) default '', Lun varchar(20) default '', Mar varchar(20) default '',

    Mer varchar(20) default '', Jeu varchar(20) default '', Ven varchar(20) default '', Sam varchar(20) default '')

    DECLARE @currentMonth int

    DECLARE @CurrentDate int

    DECLARE @CurrentDay int

    DECLARE @CurrentRowID int

    DECLARE @TotalMonthDays int

    DECLARE @monthName varchar(20)

    DECLARE @YearNo int

    set @YearNo = datepart(yy, @StartDate)

    set @CurrentDate = datepart(dd, @StartDate)

    set @currentMonth = datepart(mm, @StartDate)

    set @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    while @currentMonth <= 12


    set @monthName = datename(m, @StartDate) ---upper(datename(m, @StartDate))

    insert @tbl(Mar, Mer, Jeu) values (@monthName, ' xxx ', Convert(Varchar, @YearNo))

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    insert @tbl(Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam,Dim) values ('________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________')

    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when @currentMonth in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31

    when @currentMonth in (4,6,9,11) then 30

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 <> 0 then 28


    while @CurrentDate <= @TotalMonthDays


    if @CurrentDay = 1


    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity


    if @CurrentDay = 1

    update @tbl set Lun = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 2

    update @tbl set Mar = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 3

    update @tbl set Mer = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 4

    update @tbl set Jeu = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 5

    update @tbl set Ven = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 6

    update @tbl set Sam = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 7

    update @tbl set Dim = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    set @CurrentDate = @CurrentDate + 1

    if @CurrentDate = @TotalMonthDays + 1


    SET @currentMonth = @currentMonth + 1

    IF (Datepart(DD,@StartDate)>1)

    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(Day,-(Datepart(DD,@StartDate)-1),@StartDate)

    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(Month,1,@StartDate)

    SET @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam,Dim) values ('************', '************', '************', '************', '************', '************', '************')



    set @CurrentDay = (@CurrentDay + 1) % 8

    if (@CurrentDay = 0)

    SET @CurrentDay = 1


    set @CurrentDate = 1


    -- Finaly show the output

    select Lun, Mar, Mer, Jeu, Ven, Sam, Dim from @tbl where Lun <> '' or Mar <> '' or Mer <> '' or

    Jeu <> '' or Ven <> '' or Sam <> '' or Dim <> ''

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