Privileges necessaryon log_shipping_primaries table

  • Greetings, My understanding of log shipping is improving but each question answered leads to others. I am running SQL Server 2000, SP4 on Windows 2003 server. I have configured log shipping and it is working. I have verified that by seeing that changes are being propagated to the standby database. The problem is that the msdb.log_shipping_primaries table on the standby is not being updated. I have verified this by looking at the table and the log shipping monitor, which is on the standby server. The monitor shows the last backup file as being first_file_000000000000.trn. The msdb.log_shipping_secondaries table on the standby server is being updated and the monitor displays the correct files for last file copied and last file loaded. KB article 292586 speaks of incorrect permissions on the msdb.log_shipping_primaries table causing this problem, saying the SQL Server Startup account on the primary server needs Update and Select privileges on this table in order for this to work correctly. This appears to be the problem but I don't know how to fix it. The account which starts the SQLSERVERAGENT is the account I believe that is being referred to. It is the same account on each server but they are local accounts rather than domain accounts. This account has select & update privileges on both the msdb.log_shipping_primaries and msdb.log_shipping_secondaries table on the standby so I don't know what I am missing. If anyone can help me out I would be most appreciative. Thank you.

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  • As the original poster, thank you. Yes, I would appreciate any information as I still haven't figured this out. I've posted on a couple of other forumes and still no answer. Thank you.

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