Pro Developer : This is Business

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    Chistopher Duncan
    Author of (Apress) The Career Programmer
    Unite the Tribes (Apress)

  • Liked it very much, spoke to the gutarist in me searching for that Platinum album. I personally have met and dealt with (a few severly) those who yell I am "commercial" with the exact statements. Plus I love my PIZZA.

    Anyway, great line of sight article (for those who don't understand I mean you see what you get with nothing in the way).

    If you don't do it for the money, the fame, the glory or some other type of personal gain, then what did you do it for and why be any good at it?

    Boy more numbers on my check do look great.

  • Chris, another great installment! I found this one particularly entertaining because I don't come from the artistic side of the world. I have long come from the business side. I got my degree in Business Administration and Finance. Programming is just something that I'm good at and people will pay me well to do it. And, as you're pointing out here and in some of your other articles, they also pay me better than average because I speak their language.

    This was a fun reminder to me of where other programmers are coming from. You see, I don't spend my evenings writing the next killer app, or even a mildly cool one. I just took 2 1/2 months off between contracts. During that time, I had a couple of days where I got really motivated to learn .Net and write some cool software for myself, but that quickly faded. I ended up spending most of my time either perusing new contract opportunities, reading a couple of business books, taking mid-day naps, and watching DVDs while racking up miles on my treadmill. And when I do have work to do (like now) I prefer to spend my evenings away from the computer, out in the real world, with my girlfriend, playing tennis, taking a walk down by the water, or cruising around on my Goldwing. You know, trying to actually live life a little instead of just "make a living".

    Keep these articles coming, they're great!

  • Fantastic Article. I have been telling people this for years. I use music to relate to this as well. Now if I could just incorporate that G13b5b9 in a rock and roll song. yeah. Again excellent article. Maybe I will buy your book now if it is anything like the article, think about that when you get your next check from APress.

    Scott Dexter


    The more you help the business, the more they will help you...well sometimes anyway.

  • quote:

    Now if I could just incorporate that G13b5b9 in a rock and roll song. yeah.

    If you do, I want to hear the mp3! 🙂


    Maybe I will buy your book now if it is anything like the article, think about that when you get your next check from APress.

    Scott Dexter


    It is. Cool! Now I can buy new guitar strings!

    Chistopher Duncan

    Author - The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World (Apress)

    Edited by - Show Programming on 02/26/2003 12:41:53 PM

    Chistopher Duncan
    Author of (Apress) The Career Programmer
    Unite the Tribes (Apress)

  • quote:

    Liked it very much, spoke to the gutarist in me searching for that Platinum album. I personally have met and dealt with (a few severly) those who yell I am "commercial" with the exact statements. Plus I love my PIZZA.

    Absolutely! And pizza ain't free!

    Chistopher Duncan

    Author - The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World (Apress)

    Chistopher Duncan
    Author of (Apress) The Career Programmer
    Unite the Tribes (Apress)

  • quote:

    And, as you're pointing out here and in some of your other articles, they also pay me better than average because I speak their language.

    You're way ahead of the pack, man! It's amazing how many people don't understand the power of that one, simple little concept.

    Chistopher Duncan

    Author - The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World (Apress)

    Chistopher Duncan
    Author of (Apress) The Career Programmer
    Unite the Tribes (Apress)

  • great article

    to see another like-minded author read the developer articles on by Steve Pavlina - one of the most respected authors in shareware industry.

    i tell my developers and partners to read them, re-read them and begin to live them.

    Brian Lockwood

    ApexSQL - value added SQL tools

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

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