Problem calling stored proc from ASB and VB

  • I have the following stored procedure.  It extracts information from 2 tables, based on a provided date for a specified number of days.  It then does some simple calculations and inserts the result into a memory table.  The memory table is returned.  When I call this from Enterprise Manager or the Query Analyzer it returns a recordset with the correct results.


    The problem is when calling the proc from ASP or VB any attempt to access the recordset get “Operation cannot be performed on a closed object.”  I get no error messages up to and through the execute/open – only the access FOLLOWING the open.  I stepped through the VB code watching the command object and everything seems to be setup properly.



    Following the stored procedure code is the ASP and VB code.




    ********* STORED PROCEDURE ***********************************



    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetFoodService]

          @StartDate Datetime,

          @Days Int




          DECLARE @@MaxMeals Int

          DECLARE @@WorkDate Datetime

          DECLARE @@FoodTable Table(CurDate Datetime, Breakfast Int, Lunch Int, Kosher Int)

          DECLARE @@Breakfast Int

          DECLARE @@Lunch Int

          DECLARE @@Kosher Int

          DECLARE @@BFInd bit

          DECLARE @@LInd bit

          DECLARE @@KCount Int

          DECLARE @@NAttend Int

          DECLARE @@Junk varchar(50)




          SELECT @@MaxMeals = OptionValue FROM tblOptions WHERE OptionID = 'MaxMeals'

          If @@ERROR <> 0


                PRINT 'Unable to read max number of meals'

                RETURN -1



          Set @@WorkDate = @StartDate

          WHILE @Days > 0


                Set @@Breakfast = 0

                Set @@Lunch = 0

                Set @@Kosher = 0

                DECLARE WorkCursor Cursor For

                SELECT dbo.tbl1general.EventID, dbo.tbl1general.StaffContact, dbo.tbl1general.NumbofAttendees, dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast,

                      dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch, dbo.tbl1General3.Kosher, dbo.tbl1general.Date1, dbo.tbl1general.Date2,


                FROM dbo.tbl1general INNER JOIN

                      dbo.tbl1General3 ON dbo.tbl1general.EventID = dbo.tbl1General3.EventID

                WHERE (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date1 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date2 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date3 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date1 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date2 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date3 = @@WorkDate)

                ORDER BY dbo.tbl1general.EventID

                OPEN WorkCursor

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                      RETURN -2


                FETCH NEXT FROM WorkCursor into @@Junk, @@Junk, @@NAttend, @@BFInd, @@LInd, @@KCount, @@Junk, @@Junk, @@Junk

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                      RETURN -2


                WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


                      If @@BFInd = 1


                            Set @@Breakfast = @@Breakfast + @@NAttend


                      If @@LInd = 1


                            Set @@Lunch = @@Lunch + @@NAttend


                      Set @@Kosher = @@Kosher + @@KCount

                      FETCH NEXT FROM WorkCursor into @@Junk, @@Junk, @@NAttend, @@BFInd, @@Lind, @@KCount, @@Junk,@@ Junk, @@Junk

                      If @@ERROR <> 0


                            PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                            RETURN -2



                INSERT INTO @@FoodTable VALUES(@@WorkDate, @@Breakfast, @@Lunch, @@Kosher)

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error saving food service request counts'

                      RETURN -3


                CLOSE WorkCursor

                DEALLOCATE WorkCursor

                Set @@WorkDate = DateAdd(Day, 1, @@WorkDate)

                Set @Days = @Days - 1


          SELECT * FROM @@FoodTable


          RETURN @@MaxMeals







    ********** ASP CODE USING A COMMAND OBJECT *******************



    dim cmnd

    dim rsFoodCount

    dim nMaxFood


          Set cmnd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

          cmnd.ActiveConnection = "a long valid connection string"

          cmnd.CommandText = "sp_GetFoodService"

          cmnd.Parameters("@StartDate") = '2/27/2004'

          cmnd.Parameters("@Days") = 3

          Set rsFoodCount = cmnd.Execute

          nMaxFood = cmnd.Parameters(0)





    ********** ASP CODE USING JUST A RECORDSET *******************



    dim rsFoodCount


          Set rsFoodCount = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

          rsFoodCount.Open "sp_GetFoodService '2/7/2004', 3","a long valid connection string",0,1, 1






    ********** VB CODE *******************************************


    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim cmnd As ADODB.Command

    Dim rsFoodCount As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim nMaxFood As Integer


        Set cmnd = New ADODB.Command

        cmnd.ActiveConnection = "a long valid connection string"

        cmnd.CommandType = 4  'adCmdStoredProc

        cmnd.CommandText = "sp_GetFoodService"

        cmnd.Parameters("@StartDate") = "2/7/2004"

        cmnd.Parameters("@Days") = 3

        Set rsFoodCount = cmnd.Execute

        nMaxFood = cmnd.Parameters(0)


    End Sub


  • The .ActiveConnection needs to be an open ADODB.Connection object. You have to explicitly open a connection and that seems to be what's missing. Something akin to...




        Dim oConn

        Dim strConnection

        Dim oCmd

        strConn = "<connectionstring>"

        set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

        oConn.ConnectionString = strConnection


        set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

        oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn




    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks but I tried already that and it had no effact.  Besides, if I didn't have or couldn't create a valid connection I would have gotten an error message on the Exec - not on the line following.


  • Run a Profiler trace to see the connection being created and the stored procedure being executed. Add Exceptions & Warnings to see if the stored procedure is throwing an exception when it is executed.


    K. Brian Kelley

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