Problem converting excel sheet to table........

  • Hi

    I need to schedule DTS package which convert the excel sheet into SQl 2000 table. Excel sheet has some macros also. When i am trying to import data i am getting a error msg

    Microsoft Jet Database Engine External table is  not in the expected format

    error during intialization of the provider.

    i have arround 12 same Files(Monthly File) and every file has 65000 lines some are ok some has this error.When i copy these file to new excel sheet it's working

     Not able to understand.............


  • Have you tried changing the xls. to csv.

  • Make sure that the tables contain the same headings on all of the spreadsheets. If not, this exact error will occur.

    Make sure also, that there are no links to other spreadsheets.

    Make sure there are no ranges defined anywhere.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Hi,

    This topic has been on the agenda before. I recommend that you first (in the VBA macro) save each sheet as a text file and then use DTS to import a textfile.


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