Problem grouping

  • We have the following query:

    select sum(in.p1) from (

    SELECT  sr.salesperson, count(distinct act.custaccno) p1

    FROM sales_report sr ,activations  act

     WHERE sr.dtvcustno = act.custaccno AND (act.dateactivation >= '5/1/2004')

    AND (act.dateactivation <= '5/31/2004')

    group by sr.salesperson

    ) in

    It is supposed to count the total number of accounts.  The query inside gets the number of accounts (act.custaccno) handled by each salesperson(sr.salesperson).  If we don't put the salesperson in the select (then no group by is needed) the total is different.

    We have checked a lot of times our tables and dtvcustno and custaccno are not duplicated in the correspondent table.

    What's the problem!!!!!!!

  • My first guess is that when you're grouping by salesperson, your distinct number is includes custaccno's that are also assigned to another salesperson.   If you have 25 customers and they have 2 salespeople assigned to them, the distinct will show only 25 customers, but if you group by salesperson, they will show 26 customers counting for the customer assigned to two salespeople. 


    Another guess would be to count the distinct sr.dtvcustno instead of act.custoaccno since they theoretically should be the same.



  • To check bobsterboy's hypothesis, which I think is correct.

    ( multiple salesperson assigned to 1 custaccno ).

    You could try the following sql:

    SELECT count(distinct sr.salesperson) as no_of_salesp, act.custaccno

    FROM sales_report sr ,activations  act

    WHERE sr.dtvcustno = act.custaccno AND (act.dateactivation >= '5/1/2004')

    AND (act.dateactivation <= '5/31/2004')

    group by act.custaccno

    having count(distinct sr.salesperson) > 1



    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • One of the following queries should give you the cause of the problem:

    SELECT act.custaccno, COUNT(DISTINCT sr.salesperson)

    FROM sales_report sr INNER JOIN activations act ON sr.dtvcustno = act.custaccno

    WHERE act.dateactivation BETWEEN '5/1/2004' AND '5/31/2004'

    GROUP BY act.custaccno HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT sr.salesperson)>1

    SELECT act.custaccno FROM activations act

    WHERE act.custaccno NOT IN (SELECT sr.dtvcustno FROM sales_report sr)

    AND act.dateactivation BETWEEN '5/1/2004' AND '5/31/2004'


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